New member
Arimidex and aromasin are both very good AI's to use while running a cycle. Arimidex is often cheaper. Can't go wrong with either of them.
I swing towards aromasin everytime it has a few advantages over adex
Arimidex and aromasin are both very good AI's to use while running a cycle. Arimidex is often cheaper. Can't go wrong with either of them.
do you guys start using aromasin on day 1 or do you wait until the bloat/estro sides appear?
do you guys start using aromasin on day 1 or do you wait until the bloat/estro sides appear?
do you guys start using aromasin on day 1 or do you wait until the bloat/estro sides appear?
another question
Does infection from injection only happen at injection site, or can it appear somewhere else?
Hello, Simple Simon... I don't wait until my car starts to over heat before I put water in it, I don't wait until my boobs start to begin to grow female tissue before I start my AI.
The AI is to keep regulated your E2 which causes most of these unwanted sides and health problems. It is a PREVENTITIVE medicine. I take measures to fire proof my house so it will not catch fire. I don't through caution to the wind and only keep a hose handy.
One last thought. By the time you see Gyno is off and running so NOW you need to not only stop, but, reverse it, and that's only one side.................HELLO ???
You will notice infection first at the site. That's time to stop it or it will or can get systemic. Most infections are bad enough that people g to the doc before it gets systemic
Again we'll putI am going to make a general statement here in which all the vets and experienced members tell everyone.
MOST ALL of these questions are common among the people who haven't studied up enough.
What is AI used for, what happens when your Test increases and you Estrogen and why, how etc...
What is prolactin, what is an understanding of your endocrine system and more about your vitals.
EI: If a guy knew what happens with High estrogen and just what an AI inhibitor is and how it works there would be no Q's as I've seen below. When to start your PCT is answered by knowing what it does and understanding half life of compounds.
Good to ask Q's but know a little so you can ask knowledgeable Q's. Questions more about understanding what you are reading not just the unknowledgeable answer. Like just do this or the other guy says NO do it like this. Read up get educated and you will understand why some one say do this or that.
Read, read, and read some more. Ask about what you read that you don't understand. Get yourself educated.
Food for thought guys .... oldmusclemike![]()
Nightmare I have got an issueI can´t get Aromasin from anyone around me. The only possible thing is Arimidex. What shall I do? Order it via Internet?
Regarding this question I do live in central europe, so is there a "save" way to order things like these the net? Recommended pages?
Arimidex is a great AI choice. Works very well and it is inexpensive. Use it without hesitation.
How do online shops handle/package orders to make it save? I am curious because i was thinking about ordering from an online shop. Unfo I have no experience with online androgen shops
Cheerio lad
Well my questions about the customs and the risk which is behind ordering online.
That isn't really the point if this thread. Have you read the existing threads on the subject? You can use the search bar to find what you are looking for. After reading those, start a new thread if you still have questions.
That isn't really the point if this thread. Have you read the existing threads on the subject? You can use the search bar to find what you are looking for. After reading those, start a new thread if you still have questions.
Check out rui they hav aromasin on stockHow do online shops handle/package orders to make it save? I am curious because i was thinking about ordering from an online shop. Unfo I have no experience with online androgen shops
Cheerio lad