

Community Veteran
just for a change of pace i made 60ml of cyp 333mg/ml. 2% ba and 17% bb. i wanna see how high i can go pain free and have it to hold.

i got some cyp 500 with only 2% ba but its hard as a rock so heating everytime is necessary. havent tried the 500 yet but it may have a bit of a bite. we'll see.

if the 333 is painless and holds (been several hours and its still looking good) i may go 400 next time.

just playing around killing sowe time.

btw ida i marked the vial before baking and after it baked there was not a noticable difference in the level.
hmm...peebs, whats ur take on the difference between enan and cyp? which is better and why?
virtually the same. half life of cyp is maybe 2 days longer. but you know how i feel about makng deca and enan. gripes my hiney. sticky ass mess gets all over everything. cyp is a nice white powder that stays a powder til its heated. downside of cyp is its fickle to work with as far as solvents go. i just load it up, as you see, and i know it will hold. pharm companies go 2% ba and 20% bb for 200mg/ml cyp. if i wanna stop griping my hiney, i should get into cyp? i might have to try it for the hell of it...
Ive swung both ways, enan is easier in the end. Little messy and whatnot but you dont need solvents. Cyp is the only hormone that requires some experimenting-with every time you make it.
ummm ill leave the experimenting to youse already nervous bein a labrat for NPP....and the special typeo prop (with doowhackey solvents...)
well the T cyp 333 is holding wondefully after 60 hours. i was gonna wait one more week to start the test but......... tomorrow is the day. i'll let you know how it feels. 3ml in the right butt cheek. yeah haw.
i loves me sum sashimi so..... the fishies been histories.

everyone knows they got about three weeks til it kicks in. its been 3 months since i done any test. my nipples are soooo.... hard right now. you know what i aint waiting til tomorrow. let me find the little lady so she can doctor me up. doin a simple test cycle startin tomorrow for 12 weeks till i doctor up all my "medical supplies" for the new cycle upcoming...
I said I was going to wait until September to start after my first home brew session, but the vials are just sitting there.... straing at me.... STOP STARING AT ME!!

I think I'll start tomorrow. LOL
pullinbig said:

btw ida i marked the vial before baking and after it baked there was not a noticable difference in the level.

Thanks for the answer to that one, PB.
About the loss of juice when baking, wouldnt that require some of the oil/hormone to vaporize? For all intents and purposes that would also be the flashpoint of the oil. I've never had a flaming vial, all our oil can do is get hot.
and btw the cyp 333 is a success. 2.5 ml in the ol keester with no pain and the solution is nice and purdy and clear.