D-bol 10 Stomach Pain!


New member
i have been experiencing some stomach pain since this morning and im not sure if its the dbol or just something bad i eat lastn ight

im currently doing some test e 500 mg a week and 40 mg of dbol 10 per day

i always take it with food, since i workout in the morning i take 20 mg in the morning and 20 at night,

i was gonna do a 6-7 week cycle for d bol and its been 4 weeks im on it now

yesterday i did not get enough sleep and was tired all day so i didnt cooked and eat like i usually do, i only had a normal solid meal in the am and at night the rest of the day its was more like shakes ( RTD (muscle milk) And Mass gainer (monster mass ))

i normally have 8-9 meals a day, i eat ALOT and quite healthy, but not yesterday

and this morning stomach pain was nasty !!, kept on going to the toilet, but now im fine
should i be worry ?
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probably just the shakes and change in diet man, but d-Bol has been known to bother some people's intestinal tracts. gas, etc...I take it with food s well. lots of water as well, and dont be afraid to throw down a couple of tums from time to time.
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Thx dude, i think it was just the food too but i wasnt sure, my stomach is fine now,i can finally eat like a beast, how much dbol you do ed ?
I think the usual dose is 40mg for most guys, but it's personal option obviously.

I actually had a stomach issue like you were talking about in original thread, and I figured out what it was. I mixed a shake one morning with all my usual ingredients, except one of my kids had wiped out my frozen yogurt, so I replaced it with a little ice cream in place of the yogurt. diet is pretty clean so no big deal right? wrong! got nausea through my workout, and had the shits for the rest of the day, brutal. not lactose intolerant either, just through the gut for a loop.
IMO I would not run DBol longer than four weeks. I defenantly would not run it 7 weeks. DBol is a fairly harsh oral and must be treated with respect, even in the low doesed you are taking. I am sure some will argue this statement, that's why I opened with IMO.
Dbol is fine, try eating food before consuming tabs. have you ever taken vicodin on an empty stomach? You feel like shit. Never a good idea to take anything on an empty stomach unless specified by doctor or its a special type of medicine
Most guys do take 40mg ed, I get the results I need on 30mg and it's a little easier in my stomach. But I also agree dbol should be ran for 4 weeks. It's something to just kick start your cycle amd is hard on the liver as stated in above posts.