D-bol vs. Anavar


New member
Apologies if the question is kinda "noob-ish" but I was hoping to get some feedback on what the difference would be between these 2 drugs.... specifically, why would you take one or the other if you were a 200lb healthy male doing a test cycle and looking to add on an oral for better gains?

I've heard that D-bol is great as a "kick-start" during the first 4 weeks or so of a cycle while the test kicks in.....

.... while Anavar (var) is much nicer on the liver and doesn't promote as much bloat.

Why do people choose D-bol? Is it because it's cheaper? Or is it because it's actually "better"?
Dianabol would be the better choice for bulking with test e or c. Anavar would be the better oral for cutting since it doesn't aromatize and gives you nice lean steady gains in addition to a testosterone base, preferably propionate. Just depends on what your goals are. You can cut with test e and dbol as well, provided you use an appropriate aromatase inhibitor to prevent aromatization sides like bloat.
Dianabol would be the better choice for bulking with test e or c. Anavar would be the better oral for cutting since it doesn't aromatize and gives you nice lean steady gains in addition to a testosterone base, preferably propionate. Just depends on what your goals are. You can cut with test e and dbol as well, provided you use an appropriate aromatase inhibitor to prevent aromatization sides like bloat.

Appreciate the response.

Wouldn't you ALWAYS clean, steady gains though? What's the appeal of D-bol exactly? Does it provide a bigger, faster strength boost when compared to Var?
Dbol will cause a descent amount of water retention, even if an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is used in my op. Dbol will provide a significant boost of strength and size but the gains won't be as solid. Anavar is the slow and steady builder that gives moderate gains but will mostly be solid muscle.

Dbol=Strength/mass quick not necessarily all quality mass though
Anavar= better compound for cutting, gains slow but solid

If I were at a low BF% I would choose DBOL. If I had a little extra fat on me I would choose Anavar.
Dbol will also give a fuck load of side effects at least for me acne, water retension bitch tits an all of the other shit but it will also blow you the fuck up fast. Anavar is more of a lean gainer very mild on the sides and a fuck load nor expensive haha
Thanks for the replies guys. Pretty much confirms what I thought.... but nice to hear it from other people.

Ha. I do know that Anavar (var) is pricey for sure... but I wouldn't be opposed to getting it if it led to better quality gains. Can you actually run it longer than 4-6 weeks since it's milder than dbol?

And additionally (to anyone).... where would tbol fit into all of this?
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Yeah, you can run Anavar (var) for more than 6 weeks (8-10 is pretty common)...just need a liver protectant, like with any oral.

Tbol is basically Dbol without the associated bloat/water retention.
Yeah, you can run Anavar (var) for more than 6 weeks (8-10 is pretty common)...just need a liver protectant, like with any oral.

Tbol is basically Dbol without the associated bloat/water retention.

Really.... why would anyone even take dbol then? Just an issue of price?
Var is for chicks and sprinters. Run some test and queqe drops and you'll feel like a fucking god!
Dbol works awesome for blowing up but the sides are too much for me. Be careful and run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on dbol. Anavar is my favorite oral. I get vascular and very strong from it.
Really.... why would anyone even take dbol then? Just an issue of price?

Because mg per mg, dbol is stronger n you would prob take much less of it which is easier on the pocket compared to tbol. That and people feel like they are gods on Dbol. Alot of water retention usually mean a lot of strength. High sense of well being from alot of users from the research I've done.
Anavar (var) is for chicks and sprinters. Run some test and queqe drops and you'll feel like a fucking god!

lol how is Anavar (var) for chicks lol. imma use tren Anavar (var) and test prop coming close to summer. Anavar (var) is good at high doses and with tren your strength and hardness will be amazing. Using Anavar (var) by itself is for chicks. Using Anavar (var) in this situation, wouldn't fit for what he wants, and dbol or Tbol would
Because mg per mg, dbol is stronger n you would prob take much less of it which is easier on the pocket compared to tbol. That and people feel like they are gods on Dbol. Alot of water retention usually mean a lot of strength. High sense of well being from alot of users from the research I've done.

def alot of water retention, but the strength on dbol compared to other roids is ok i would say, maybe its because i ran it at 40mged 5weeks
Thanks for the comments/answers guys.

I have to admit that dbol is tempting based on everything that I've heard about the strength gains.... those sides though... guess there's no real way to find out without trying it.

I just hope that some Aromasin and Nolva can take care of whatever negatives will arise.
Anavar (var) is for chicks and sprinters. Run some test and queqe drops and you'll feel like a fucking god!

Talk to any elite level powerlifter or strongman, and they will tell you that Anavar (var) is one of their staples. Definitely not chicks and DEFINITELY not sprinters.
Talk to any elite level powerlifter or strongman, and they will tell you that Anavar (var) is one of their staples. Definitely not chicks and DEFINITELY not sprinters.
Well actually it is great for chicks tho seriously haha. I'm not against Anavar (var) just sayn tho.
Anavar (var) is for chicks and sprinters. Run some test and queqe drops and you'll feel like a fucking god!

Why is Anavar (var) strictly for chicks? Great for solid lean muscle and drastically cut your chances for health issues, plus if you want to get jacked you need to lose that fat first which Anavar (var) provides.