d-zine post cycle therapy (pct) Nolva while on Paxil

d-zine pct Nolva while on Paxil

Hey guys, I've had my pct planned since my cycle of D-zine started. I'll be using Nolva 20/20/20/20. I've been reading recently though that paxil may effect the use of Nolva almost rendering it useless. Have you guys read this or found this to be true? I am also using Form-x btw. Thanks guys for any info.
I haven't studied paxil so I can't comment for that but I would recommend getting some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and DAA to run while your on your PCT.
why not just gets some clomid? i spent a few looking for a reaction between paxil and clomid and found nothing.

i'd try to take something else that doesn't interact vs something that i know interacts - but not how much. less risk.

found a study about nolva and paxil and it supposedly reduces the efficacy of nolva. I wouldn't use it just on the fact that it could be a waste. though to be honest a study can tell you anything you want it to depending on how its set up.

go with clomid, ralox or torem IMO
Hey guys, I've had my post cycle therapy (pct) planned since my cycle of D-zine started. I'll be using Nolva 20/20/20/20. I've been reading recently though that paxil may effect the use of Nolva almost rendering it useless. Have you guys read this or found this to be true? I am also using Form-x btw. Thanks guys for any info.
Have never heard of that happening.
Thanks for the responses. Instead of 20 mgs I've decided to run 40 mgs ed. This way if the eficacy is effected hopefully running a higher dosage will make up for this. Here's my pct:
Nolva 40/40/40/20
S4 3rd week
Post cycle support

I had thought about purchasing clomid, but since I have Nolva on hand and havnt heard anyone confirm issues I've decided to run Nolva at a higher dose as mentioned. Also I'm not prone to estro related sides so I'm not getting too worried at this point. Taking into account D-zine is more middle ground as far as PH's are concerned. Let me know if there's any other feedback.