D-zine, post cycle therapy (pct) then test


D-zine, PCT then test

Hey guys, quick question.. I know rule of thumb is time on + pct = time off. Here's my dilemma. I'm almost done with my 6 week d-zine cycle and just got my hands on some test. Super excited for my first cycle, can i shoot my first pin any sooner then waiting 10 weeks after pct?
It's a shame you waited. You could have run them both together starting at the same time with excellent results. I would wait, at this point.
I have some superdrol sitting around also, what are your thoughts on stacking with test for the first four weeks? Or even sdrol wk1-4/hdrol wk1-6/test-e wk1-12
I have two weeks left on my current d-zine solo cycle.. I have some sdrol and hdrol laying around should i jump that on the beginning of my test-e cycle? I was thinking somewhere around the lines of..
sdrol 20/20/20/20
hdrol 50/75/75/75/100/100
test-e 500/week for 12weeks

Adding hdrol overkill?
2 weeks... You could add another week to your dimethazine "kicker" and run the test now.

If you wait, I'd run either the sd or the halo. Not both. Either one would make a good kicker.
Ok, I might just wait.. Should I wait 10 weeks before I start up the sd/test? Or can i possibly start the cycle sooner? I usually don't rush into cycles but I have a few vacations coming up and I want to try and look my best lol don't judge me!
Ok, I might just wait.. Should I wait 10 weeks before I start up the sd/test? Or can i possibly start the cycle sooner? I usually don't rush into cycles but I have a few vacations coming up and I want to try and look my best lol don't judge me!

no judgement here. everyone likes to look good.

either stay on or take a worthwhile break. doing post cycle therapy (pct) then hopping back on is worthless - you'll just waste good post cycle therapy (pct) meds. if you do stay on then i wouldn't run SD and i'd just start the test now and ride out your 2 weeks on dimethazine.

the reason I'm saying this is because you want to keep your liver in as good of shape as possible (without it you die) and honestly staying on isn't that big of a deal - if you're using non-hepatoxic compounds. people run 12-16 week (and more) cycles all the time.

Yeah I hear ya bro, so even tough I'm on week 5 of my dimethazine cycle it wouldn't be too late to jump into test for 12 weeks and then run my post cycle therapy (pct) after?
Yeah I hear ya bro, so even tough I'm on week 5 of my dimethazine cycle it wouldn't be too late to jump into test for 12 weeks and then run my pct after?

if you have 2 weeks left (14 days) i don't think it would be too late to jump on if you have enough to run 20 days that would be okay too depending on the dosage you've run throughout the cycle and how you feel as far as sides and your thoughts on liver health. if you planned 6 weeks already 7 won't be that much worse IMO.

the "kick in" time for test e will be 4 or so weeks so you *might* see a stagnant 2 weeks but as long as you're eating and training well it shouldn't matter. then the test will kick in and you can ride it out.

not a bad option IMO and would be better than PCTing and jumping right back on.

there is no manual on how to run these compounds, just use common sense. If you're already shut down (which you are) then i'd use it to your advantage and hop on some test if it fits your goals and timeframe. then do a good PCT and reevaluate your goals and move forward.

the only thing i would suggest not doing is PCT then right back on.

since this is last minute in your decision make sure you're 100% positive you want to do it and commit. if you don't commit it would be a waste of good test that you could save for a future cycle.

nothing wrong with doing a solid pct now and waiting a while to go back on. you just gotta weight your options and decide whats best for you and your health.
I'm running dimethazine @ 30/45/45/45/45/45.. I feel great, no sides paired up with cycle assist spread 4hrs apart.. So I don't think an extra week @ 45mg wouldn't hurt. I started my first pin yesterday.
So far I've gained about 10lbs, I can see a small gain in size and a descent gain in strength. Muscles feel harder as well. I think I'm going to try taking 30mg am and 15mg pm instead of 15mg spaced out through the day. I feel like the cycle assist is interfering somewhat.. Ive been taking everything in 4hr intervals.. (ie: 8am - 15mg dzine| 12pm - cycle assist | 4pm - 15mg dizine | 8pm cycle assist | 12am - 15mg dzine)
Hey guys, will Aromasin (Exemestane) effect my gains on my dzine cycle?. I take 12.5mg every day ever since my first pin of test.