Damn it PSL guys, y'all forced my hand in this.

Def before and after pics Ben. Weekly updates would be nice if you can find the time :).

On that note I skipped rest day yesterday and hit arms for the first time in a year. It was fun but pointless lol. No definitive way to really measure progress other than size gain. I did feel like a highscho kid doing "curls for the girls"

Woke up with a bloody nose later that night though. Not sure if that is from the dbol or not but if it happens again I will stop he dbol.
lol blood pressure medication is your friend remember that :)

Blood pressure medication...? Care to elaborate?
I had planned on before and after cycle blood donations for raised hematocrit reasons... however I wasn't aware of any medication I could take 'on cycle' to aid BP... I'm all ears!
When I get a bit closer to starting the cycle, I'll lay it all out on here first for your critique...
I've got all the Test E and Eq now, currently awaiting my Clomid, Nolva and HCG. Also ordered NAC, sublingual B12 Methyl, Liv 52 to run throughout cycle... if you can think of anything else worth running on cycle - please offer it up :)
Still thinking I might do weeks 1-4 on T'Bol and Weeks 12-16 on 'Var...
So I had to take a shot a day early due to an emergency family vacation blood levels will be a tad but unstable but thank god it is a longer ester haha

Also I came to the conclusion that I have horrible drawing technique. Just burned through my first vial getting 8.5 ml out 10! Any tips from some vets on this? I've been using a blunt 18ga drawin needle and I suspect a tiny bit leaked out.
Um big ben there are different type of blood pressure medications that can help. I would make sure that your blood pressure is clinically high or above normal at all times before you dive into taking them though. I would personally start off with something maybe on the lines of Cialis since it can lower blood pressure and has other fun benefits. Austinite was the one who told all of us about some of those benefits of Cialis. I remember he said it could help with prostate problems to.

Lol and jsalud I have horrible drawing techniques to I always have oil left in the end of my needle. I am to paranoid to go about putting a little air bubble at the end. I would recommend maybe using a 23 gauge to draw up the oil if you think some is leaking out or something like that. I don't know. Any other tips though. I know Austinite made a article with them proper injection techniques and so did mike Arnold maybe one of those two guys have the info in a thread you are looking for.
Instead of frontloading next time I will use Test prop. Just because it makes more sense to me to use that instead of frontloading.

I've actually been trying to explain the benefits of doing this to my friends. I never thought about until reading your posts. It also got me to thinking, if doing about 500-600mgs of Sustanon/Week, would it make more sense if to pin 3 smaller doses versus only pinning twice/week?? Would that keep the short ester active the whole week (thus maximizing the benefit of the blended esters)???
a lot of people do shoot sus every other day so that would equal out to about 3 to 4 times a week depending on the week. Ive been thinking about using sus or something like that some time soon.
Blood pressure medication...? Care to elaborate?
I had planned on before and after cycle blood donations for raised hematocrit reasons... however I wasn't aware of any medication I could take 'on cycle' to aid BP... I'm all ears!
When I get a bit closer to starting the cycle, I'll lay it all out on here first for your critique...
I've got all the Test E and Eq now, currently awaiting my Clomid, Nolva and HCG. Also ordered NAC, sublingual B12 Methyl, Liv 52 to run throughout cycle... if you can think of anything else worth running on cycle - please offer it up :)
Still thinking I might do weeks 1-4 on T'Bol and Weeks 12-16 on 'Var...
I take lisinopril for blood pressure. I intentionally went in to my doc's office while on tren to get it bumped up so I could keep my bp down when running it in the future. I'll just split the tabs when off the tren so it's win/win. Helps a TON on top of cialis if your bp gets up there. ;)

So I had to take a shot a day early due to an emergency family vacation blood levels will be a tad but unstable but thank god it is a longer ester haha

Also I came to the conclusion that I have horrible drawing technique. Just burned through my first vial getting 8.5 ml out 10! Any tips from some vets on this? I've been using a blunt 18ga drawin needle and I suspect a tiny bit leaked out.
I use an 18g as well, but I also draw a hair under what I want to use and then draw in air to clear the needle once done drawing the oil. That helps a bit, especially when using more than one compound at a time. I also draw in a teeeeeeensy air bubble before I inject, to clear the barrel/needle as a conservation technique. I'm also so cheap, that I'll draw in air when done to clear anything that remains and squirt the remainder on my leg and rub it in. Sure, it probably does nothing, but it's a ritual of sorts haha. :spin:
Yeah, I just got my first order of sus from PSL, but not four times a week injecting! It is enough on getting the mrs to do the pinning twice a week :~\
Yeah, I just got my first order of sus from PSL, but not four times a week injecting! It is enough on getting the mrs to do the pinning twice a week :~\

Is it fear of pinning yourself or just lack of experience? If just lack of exp, then have her do the a glute and maybe delt, as they are the tricky ones to get to. Do quad yourself. There's video's on pinning floating around "ology" and youtube. If it's fear of pinning, then yeah..you're kind of stuck. Good luck with your PSL stuff. Keep us all posted how things work out for you.
I'm also so cheap, that I'll draw in air when done to clear anything that remains and squirt the remainder on my leg and rub it in. Sure, it probably does nothing, but it's a ritual of sorts haha. :spin:

I lick the drippings...Its gravy!
Honestly man I prefer to use a 23 guage needle on glutes so I can inject faster. Because I am not the most flexible guy. Honestly though injecting 4 times to 3 times a week is not bad at all. I just do not like quads that much. But truthfully some times you got to look at it like what will give you the best gains and having stable blood levels will do that. And lessen side effects. So with certain esters of testosterone it is best to inject every other day. Honestly the best way to do it is put on some music that gets you amped up and do the shots you have to do. Its better to have a adrenaline rush. I put on bodybuilding video's and think about the days when I couldn't get gear. And think all I got to do is inject this in this muscle I cant let fear hold me back. I admit it is scary to do a lot of injections some times. When I front loaded 500mgs in each quad and each glute I felt like I was jumping out of a airplane I had so much adrenaline. But I felt like I was mentally stronger after words. Not many people can do something like that after not injecting for a year and a half. Lol try using new spots man delts are fucking easy!
Updates have been far and few in between this past week. Tahoe was a blast but there was no gym there. Ran up and down some hills and threw some good sized rocks around but no proper work outs unfortunately.

On the plus side I am now in week 4 and finished up my dbol. When I got back and hit chest my bench is now at 300 and def horny as a mofo. Weighed in at 223 this morning froma starting weight of 208. Been a killer run so far. Will be scheduling blood work soon.
I take lisinopril for blood pressure. I intentionally went in to my doc's office while on tren to get it bumped up so I could keep my bp down when running it in the future. I'll just split the tabs when off the tren so it's win/win. Helps a TON on top of cialis if your bp gets up there. ;)

I use an 18g as well, but I also draw a hair under what I want to use and then draw in air to clear the needle once done drawing the oil. That helps a bit, especially when using more than one compound at a time. I also draw in a teeeeeeensy air bubble before I inject, to clear the barrel/needle as a conservation technique. I'm also so cheap, that I'll draw in air when done to clear anything that remains and squirt the remainder on my leg and rub it in. Sure, it probably does nothing, but it's a ritual of sorts haha. :spin:

I think my problem is that I draw exactly to the line and not accounting for the gear in the needle. Ill do that for my shot later today. Thanks bud.
lol I do the same thing... I don't want to inject a little air bubble along with my steroids as some have recommended it freaks me out.