Damn it PSL guys, y'all forced my hand in this.

So I finally gave in and started my early Christmas present from PSL a few weeks early. It looked so good sitting on my mantle that I just had to start it! Cycle consists of:

500mg of Test E split 250mg M/Th for 14 weeks.
50mg dbol ED split 30mg pre workout 20 at bedtime for 6 weeks.
.25 Adex e3d to make it easy I take it on pin days (M/Th)
T3 100mcg week 6-14

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/20/20/20
Cialis: on hand ;p got to keep the wife satisfied on or off cycle.

Starting stats:
24 y/o
15-16% bf
Second cycle. (First was a simple test only starter)

Gotta say that the pack from PSL is amazing. Pinned quad for the first time ever and didn't feel a thing! Previous lab I used burned a tad bit but the PSL oil is so smooth I barely had to draw an it flowed so nice! Same thing with pinning it, flowed so smooth I thought I was pinning something water based.

Keep posted for bloods at around week 6.

I know this is a simple cycle but if anyone is interested I will log down my experience with this cycle. Just let me know if there is any interest in it, maybe it will help some of the newer guys on here get an idea of what to expect.

are you using the EP line?
Just got some of that myself.
Front loading EQ could possibly jump start the increase RBC HCT issue so again, blood work is always advised for an EQ cycle. Personally I'd skip over the front load even if it takes a while to shine but I know not everyone thinks the same.

Any updates so far JSalud?

Thanks Dre... so you'd recommend running the Test and the Eq over the same time period??
How do those dosages sound for a 6th cycle?
750mg Test and 600mg Eq per week... Pinning twice weekly every 3.5 days
Also, is the Eq ester the same as the Test E, just concerned with when to start PCT (I'd planned 18 days after last pin)

Any advice much appreciated guys... :)
I frontloaded my EQ for this cycle and yes dre is correct. I got bloods ten days in to check my RBC and to see if my aromasin was legit. my rbc was already elevated and had to give blood
I frontloaded my EQ for this cycle and yes dre is correct. I got bloods ten days in to check my RBC and to see if my aromasin was legit. my rbc was already elevated and had to give blood

Thanks King... I'm thinking I might just run both for the duration without frontloading...
Are the esters the same for Test E and Eq?
I'm just wondering should I finish them together...?
Front loading EQ could possibly jump start the increase RBC HCT issue so again, blood work is always advised for an EQ cycle. Personally I'd skip over the front load even if it takes a while to shine but I know not everyone thinks the same.

Any updates so far JSalud?

Rather late on updating. Been a busy week in school and work.

Cycle is now well into the 3rd week and I have concluded that dbol is def one of my faves so far. The test is slowly but surely kicking in. Libido has skyrocketed, lifts are getting better. Edging closer to my goal of 300 on the bench, beat my previous best dead lift today (hit 450) and I have a feeling the magical 500 will be reached this cycle, and best part of all is that I have almost no noticapbe bloat so far.

Loving this cycle so far. Can't wait til the test is fully in effect!
Thanks King... I'm thinking I might just run both for the duration without frontloading...
Are the esters the same for Test E and Eq?
I'm just wondering should I finish them together...?

So did you decide on which path you are gonna take my man? Just letting the gear take its normal course seems to be the consensus. Remember to give blood with the EQ even if you don't front load.
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So did you decide on which path you are gonna take my man? Just letting the gear take its normal course seems to be the consensus. Remember to give blood with the EQ even if you don't front load.

Yep, I'll use up the Test 400 first, and then run the Test E for the duration of the cycle afterwards, I have blood donations planned at the beginning and the end of the cycle too for the Eq (hematocrit). I won't bother frontloading, but if I can acquire some T-Bol, I might be tempted to run that from week 1 to 4...

Cheers for the advice fellas :)
Be healthy!
Yep, I'll use up the Test 400 first, and then run the Test E for the duration of the cycle afterwards, I have blood donations planned at the beginning and the end of the cycle too for the Eq (hematocrit). I won't bother frontloading, but if I can acquire some T-Bol, I might be tempted to run that from week 1 to 4...

Cheers for the advice fellas :)
Be healthy!

Right on man. I hope you enjoy your cycle. Can't wait to see your results with it?
Right on man. I hope you enjoy your cycle. Can't wait to see your results with it?

I'm thinking of doing before and after pics with weekly progress reports...
Not looking to start the cycle until the New Year though - I've persuaded the missus to let me go watch the Soccer World Cup in Rio next summer, so I'll work my 16 week cycle back from that date... need to get my Copacabana beach bod dialled in ;)

Lol the 2000 mg front load was fun by the way. I recommend though when injecting that much oil that you make sure three days later you do not inject in any of the same spots or area's. Lol I injected 500mgs in each glute and quad and than injected 425 mgs in my right glute 3 days later right by where I had injected the 500mgs. And to say the least it hurt pretty bad for about 8 days. None of my other injection spots hurt at all. It was completely my fault. I was being stubborn and did not want to find new spots to inject. And you guys will laugh at this but I heard from a certain infamous poster "GH-15" that he only injected in the glutes and would inject on top of all his other injections and it always turned out fine for him. So I knew it was a bad idea deep down inside but not wanting to pin shoulders and hearing him say that was all I needed to say fuck it. Ha ha ha ha the minute I pinned though I knew it was going to hurt really bad for a while and that I fucked myself by doing it.
Instead of frontloading next time I will use Test prop. Just because it makes more sense to me to use that instead of frontloading.
Instead of frontloading next time I will use Test prop. Just because it makes more sense to me to use that instead of frontloading.

Yep, Agreed, and that's precisely why I'm gonna start my cycle with the Test 400 mix... the shorter esters will hopefully get to work quicker to get me up and running....

I'm still unsure whether I can end the Test E and the Eq together, are the esters the same?
I'm just working out my dates to commence HCG that's all...
One thing I have been trying to figure out about frontloading though is. Blood concentration levels being at 800mgs lets say might mean that the product has fully kicked in. But usually when somebody says something has fully kicked in they are talking about size. And technically having your blood levels at 800mgs of testosterone at week 2 might mean the product has fully kicked in but how long does it take for the actual size to fully kick in. Because its only possible to gain so much muscle each week. So technically I feel like the full on size effects kick in still around the 6 week mark give or take. Im not saying that is true and its a fact. It is just a theory of mine. That muscle takes time to grow and that front loading might speed that time up. But I think it is physically impossible to put on like lets say 8 to 10 pounds of solid muscle not including water retention in a month's time. I think with any steroid almost for it to equal out into muscle you still need around 6 weeks.

I started the cycle out at 205 and right now am at about 217. I feel like I have a good degree of water retention and I have upped my caloric intake so I put on a little bit of fat. I would say so far though I have probably gained a good 4 to 5 pounds of actual muscle. I feel like around week 6 though is when the actual full effect will take place and i'll probably put on another 3 to 4 pounds of muscle on by then.
One thing I have been trying to figure out about frontloading though is. Blood concentration levels being at 800mgs lets say might mean that the product has fully kicked in. But usually when somebody says something has fully kicked in they are talking about size. And technically having your blood levels at 800mgs of testosterone at week 2 might mean the product has fully kicked in but how long does it take for the actual size to fully kick in. Because its only possible to gain so much muscle each week. So technically I feel like the full on size effects kick in still around the 6 week mark give or take. Im not saying that is true and its a fact. It is just a theory of mine. That muscle takes time to grow and that front loading might speed that time up. But I think it is physically impossible to put on like lets say 8 to 10 pounds of solid muscle not including water retention in a month's time. I think with any steroid almost for it to equal out into muscle you still need around 6 weeks.

I started the cycle out at 205 and right now am at about 217. I feel like I have a good degree of water retention and I have upped my caloric intake so I put on a little bit of fat. I would say so far though I have probably gained a good 4 to 5 pounds of actual muscle. I feel like around week 6 though is when the actual full effect will take place and i'll probably put on another 3 to 4 pounds of muscle on by then.

Interesting theory, of which I have no factual answers... perhaps some of the 'hard hitters' on here might have some answers...?
Yep, Agreed, and that's precisely why I'm gonna start my cycle with the Test 400 mix... the shorter esters will hopefully get to work quicker to get me up and running....

I'm still unsure whether I can end the Test E and the Eq together, are the esters the same?
I'm just working out my dates to commence HCG that's all...

EQ's half life is about 16 days... its very close to deca's
EQ's half life is about 16 days... its very close to deca's

So if I'm pairing up Eq with Test E - would I be right in starting PCT 18 days after last pin, if I pin both on the same day?
Bear in mind I'm planning on 750mg Test E and 600mg of Eq per week throughout cycle....
So if I'm pairing up Eq with Test E - would I be right in starting PCT 18 days after last pin, if I pin both on the same day?
Bear in mind I'm planning on 750mg Test E and 600mg of Eq per week throughout cycle....

pct starts based off of your test E. i always do 14 days after but ive heard people say 14-21 days after last pin to start post cycle therapy (pct). My first cycle the advise given to me was wait 21 days after last pin and i remember after 14 days i felt like shit until 21 so now i stick to 14. Eq has a longer half life than test E so you need to run test 2 weeks longer IMO.