Dbol at end of cycle?


New member
Well I guess it's not necessarily the end, but i'm 8 weeks in my cycle of test e@500mg/wk, and my friend said he would give me some dbol , and he said just throw it in to end your cycle, and said it would be benefecial, is this a good idea? I have 1 bottle of test left that will last like 5 weeks, so would it be benefical or stupid to start using dbol now?
I wouldn't recommend it. I knew a young man along time ago that did just that. The end result was a severe case of gyno which required surgery. I would save the dbol for next time. My guess is that test e@500mg/week is already giving you some estrogen issues. I don't know if you are taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or SERM. I feel it would be better to start with the dbol as opposed to adding it at the end.
ahh I see, well, I have a bit of gyno on my left nipple left over from puberty, I've been on this test for 8 weeks, and it hasn't changed one bit, not sure if i got lucky or what, but yeah
If this isn't your first cycle - I would most likely run it - with these conditions...

It would depend if you are prone to gyno and if you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.

I really don't recommend adding a compound on a whim - but Dbol at the end of a cycle is fine.
I don't think i'm going too, it's my first cycle, and I'm not really sure, like I said I have it from puberty, but thus far test hasn't had any impact on it, and I also have letrozole on hand
Go for it.

I'm on my first Test E cycle, 8 weeks in I had gained 10 pounds and I started using 30MG Dbol at the beginning of week 8.

Currently in Week 10, everything is good.
The Dbol has put on mass for me, mostly just water and better pumps. But I'm only running it 30MG a day, beginner dose.

My Test E was severely under dosed though. My test didn't produce acne, no gyno, no change in mood lol. 10 pounds is decent but nowhere near what I thought I'd put on

So I recently picked up 50ML Prop (with crystallized gear so I know it's legit), 30ML Tren Ace, and 100 tabs of Dbol at 10MG a pop.

To make up for my crappy 1st bunk cycle, I'm going to do this Prop/Tren cycle. Hoping to put on 30 pounds, since Tren is one of the strongest roids out there.
I heard of people using dbols at the end of a cycle..It makes no sense to me why u would want that bloat at the end.As a kickstart I can see the benifits of the dbol
I see, it's either now, or wait a couple months and use it with my second cycle, I kinda really want to do it now, are the gains keepable on it at the end? I don't mind bloat at all, and ahh marin! I thought mine was bunk, but all of the sudden i started gaining like crazy, i have some acne, but no mood swings, im just a generally happy guy, like all the time, so i doubt it will even get too me!
Dbol is great at any point during a cycle. If you are going to get gyno from it, its going to happen whether you wait till next cycle or doit this cycle. Id doit, but thats just me.
thanks pede! I mean, I get it for free, the only thing stopping me really is I don't really want to get "use" to it, meaning not gain as much as I could from it, as i could if i ran it second cycle, idk, I think I will

would I just run it from weeks 8-?? or what, I probably have 1 week of test left, than im getting my last vial, which will last another 4-5 weeks, do I stay on dbol that whole time? and, 14 weeks on test isn't too bad right?

I mean, it can't be that bad haha, at least im not one of those guys running an oral only cycle with it, I know a couple people running it orally and they have gained a shitload, but htey're going to lose most of it I think
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14 weeks on test isnt bad at all bro. Nothing to get worked up about. Take the DBol wenever you want. You can take it right up till the time you start your PCT because it has such a short half life. Id stop a couple days before but doesnt really matter.
alright thanks a lot! I don't know how it works really, but my buddy said insane strengh gains, and even in 4 weeks i'd gain 10 more pounds, for a bit anyways!

does strengh come with the water weight? even if you lose it?

thanks again man
Depends. If you already have some gyno for any reason then I wouldn't. Also if you are not on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I wouldn't and IMO even though I have done this, you are better off saving it. I doubt you know how to control estro well enough.

You aren't going to gain much more, may add a lot of water, will increase quite a bit and at that time its not good to have excess estrogen. It's mentally bad for a lot of people because they put on some water weight fast, then come off and immediately lose 10lbs and are just stopping test. It leaves most with a defeated feeling. Also it will raise estro, that's how it works, and you don't want elevated estro at a time that T is clearing. That typically results in gyno, and more of a crash because t is clearing and estro is elevated, you start to feel like a woman. Lol.

If you had more experience, knew how much of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you need on certain cycles, with test and dbol, how much you need in post cycle therapy (pct), etc. then it would be different. You can do what you want but I'm willing to bet at this point, 4-5 weeks worth of some mass, some water, extra estro, are not worth it in the end.

If you decide you are going to do it, I would do 30mg a day. But this all depends on your age, bf, etc because it will make a difference in the amount of aromatization. If you plan to add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) prior to post cycle therapy (pct), that will increase estro as well, along with increasing t levels, but you haven't made it thru one cycle or post cycle therapy (pct) yet, I'm assuming it's your first cycle, so I would see how you do with that first.

In general it's not the best idea to use highly aromatizing compounds at theend of a cycle, that's not saying it can't or shouldn't be done, and not saying it can't be beneficial and add some decent size near the end. Personally I would do something like that on a longer cycle, maybe starting week 15-16 of a 20 week cycle to give yourself a nice boost, especially if you have reached a sticking point but again depends on the person because some lose their appetite, feel sluggish, have back pumps, others feel pretty good.

I say get the dbol from your friend and hold on to it.
thank you, yeah, I probably should of kick started this cycle with dbol, I know a couple guys that ran test+dbol and are looking swole as hell, probably put on 40+ pounds, but whatever

I'll probably take a couple months off and after summer ends start anoter cycle with it
