You really cant keep anything from any compound, you can attempt to achieve SOME muscle preservation , but this is something that takes lots of work, coaches that know what their dieting, a coach that has diet and training dialed in for his clients, or for someone that has no coach they really have to apply themselves with dedication, with a vast amount if understanding, but you wont keep much, Im not talking about dbol, just 99% of aas period)..takes years of training, dieting and commitment like none other..At the end genetics take over..
When I have time I can brake this down to the science if you wish, and like mega said, if you dont have these dialed in, it will come and go, if you have your diet in check, protein and car ratio where it should be, you can keep something, but nothing worth writing home about.. The more quality you have your macro's at, and training on points, your at least giving yourself something to work with...
there's a reason increased nitrogen,protein synthesis, glycogen, improved CNS and neuropathways, AR expression, satellite cell, and other mechanisms and such yields dramatic results in most users..take that way, and sustainability becomes your biggest challenge.. AAS will always be considered a treatment