Okay. So I been lifting for about 3 years. I got up to 185 solid. Then I had surgery on my wrist got a girlfriend about 6 months ago. We broke up last month and I been depressed but I been hitting the gym again. I lost 45 lbs I'm now 140. My strength and all is coming back at a good pace, 5-10 lbs increase every week. But I was wondering would I be fine to run a cycle? This is the first time I'm below 10% bf to. So I would think if I cycled I'd get some good size and stay around 10%. I have ran 2 cycles of prohormones in the past and seen great gains 20 lbs gained every cycle. The stack I currently have of AAS is test Cyp, dbol, arimidex, and novadex for pct. Also the only time I have felt good and not depressed was when I ran ph's. My doc also said I'm on the lower side of test levels but not low enough for TRT.