deca and equipoise in the same cycle?????


New member
Ok I am running test cyp for 12weeks. I also have deca but only enough to run 400mg's for 6 weeks. But I also have equipoise, enough to run for he last 6weeks. I was curios would this work well? Runnin deca first 6weeks and then equipoise last 6weeks?
it takes 4 wks for deca to kick in, and 5 for EQ.. not a smart choice..

try and find some more of either and focus on one or the other.
No flame JC but I don't know where this idea about it taking 4-5 weeks for deca or eq to "kick in" comes from. Maybe some people aren't noticing results for that long (I'm not in that group), but it certainly does not take that long for either drug to begin working, especially if they are front loaded.

I will concede that because they are long ester drugs a single shot of say 400 mgs. isn't likely to do much because the ester releases the active ingredient over a long time. If you aren't shooting that much per week, it takes some time to build up enough esterfied gear for the blood levels of deestrified gear to get high, but 4-5 weeks! I think not.

I don't think you are going to tell me that if my normal dose of eq is 400 mgs. per week, and I inject 1200 mgs. in the first week and then 400 mgs. in each successive week, that it is still going to take 5 weeks before the drug become effective, right? Its all about how much destrified eq is in my blood at any given time, correct?

As far as combining the two, I've done it and it works just fine. The main reason I have done it this way is because deca relieves my joint pain even at relatively low doses, which I get harder and more vascular on eq. I want both benefits, so I'll use them together.
good point Trevdog i understand what you are saying. i was informed and from my research that it take a few week for someone to notice the effects of the drugs, and EQ is definately better at a range of twelve weeks compared to 6. He doenst have enough gear to front load so he wont be able to. He is talking about doing deca first and then EQ second for instance while doing 12wks of Test. I would just advice getting enough to do a whole cycle of each and then combine the two if you would like.

no flame taken Trevdog. we all have opinions and i am openminded enough to realize the ideas of others.

good luck and hopefully others chime in to make an opinion for this topic.
muscle1 said:
Ok I am running test cyp for 12weeks. I also have deca but only enough to run 400mg's for 6 weeks. But I also have equipoise, enough to run for he last 6weeks. I was curios would this work well? Runnin deca first 6weeks and then equipoise last 6weeks?

You don't have enough of either to run a complete cycle. By the time you start seeing results of one or the other you are stopping.....not a good idea. So get yourself some more deca or eq and happy growing!:D
My 5th cycle was 500mg of test and 200mg each of deca and eq. Although my recovery was horrible because of the deca, my results were awsome! Eq and deca even at small doses work great together!