deca and test prop for mass

too swoll

New member
im about to start 400mg ofdeca weekly and 100mg prop eod. im no beginner. do you guys think this is a good solid mass cycle?
why not use NPP so that the nandrolone will kick in early with the Test Prop. Otherwise i would use Test Enanthate with the deca, and go a min of 12-14wks
what are your stats, cycle and training history??

its a solid cycle -- as for mass on this cycle -- thats all diet brother -- you have to eat to grow no matter what your pushing into yourself


mass - add calories
cut - subtract calories
im 5'9 208lbs. been using gear on and off for 2 years. tried alot of shit but now im trying to lose fat while gaining more muscle. what kind of diet should i follow. i have access to to pretty much anything. so if you guys think im taking the wrong gear, please tell me what you think i should take thanks guys!
if you want mass follow the eat alot and often diet. You can gain a ton of weight on that.