deca at 400mg/ml

old timer

brazilian jiu-jitsu guy
can 2% ba still hold/preserve deca at 400mg/ml? or would i have to raise the ba alittle? and most importantly has anybody tried this before(and was successful)?
works with no ba. and 400 works beautifully. deca, eq and test enan are soluable in oil. they dont need a solvent. use 1-2% ba as a preservative and not as a solvent.
don't quite understand pullinbig

i'm sorry, but i don't quite understand. please rephrase what you said.
so, it's okay or not to use 2% ba for 400mg/ml of deca. i just wanted to use the ba b/c i have alot in supply. but is that okay?
1-2% ba is all you need regardless of the concentration. its a preservative and not a solvent (antimicrobial). deca is soluable in oil so it dont require a solvent.

same with eq and test enan. hell eq is already liquid. you just dilute it to desired strength.
thanx. but what if...

cool. thanx pullinbig. can i just use 2% or less for test enanth/cyp. as well? or is that different?
test enanthate yes, cyp...MAYBE, but probably not. Cyp is a crazy hormone and will always treat you different. I recommend 2%ba and 20%bb for cyp.
pain tolerance.

alright that's cool. but would that hurt just like t400? have you had personal experience using test cyp. at 300 or more mg/ml? did it hurt or was it mild?
yipee kay yay!

lol. well in that case it wouldln't even hurt at all. lol.'s just that damn company that made t400...those stupid retards put a hell lot of ba than what is actually needed. God bless you dougo *kiss* *kiss* *kiss* (in a non-gay way).
cyp goes 300 no prob pain free. i typically made it 333mg/ml.

and high levels of ba does not constitute pain. unless they are out of the roof or you sensitve to ba.
yeah .....

then explain why t400 is hurts so damn much. yeah everyones complainin about it. it hurts like hell and gives slow results. cuz the people that make the stuff don't know what they're doing they just dump a whole shit load of ba as if it was like adding sugar to tea.

yeah i think it's cuz people don't know how much to put in ..what's sad is that those same people work in the companies that make such products like t400.
old timer said:
then explain why t400 is hurts so damn much. yeah everyones complainin about it. it hurts like hell and gives slow results. cuz the people that make the stuff don't know what they're doing they just dump a whole shit load of ba as if it was like adding sugar to tea.

yeah i think it's cuz people don't know how much to put in ..what's sad is that those same people work in the companies that make such products like t400.

test enan is a slow acting ester just as cyp is. takes about 4 weeks to kick in. perhaps you need to study up on why hormones were esterfied in the first place.

have you tested that particular product for ba content? if not you dont know how much is in there. there are several factors that could cause pain. do the math. lets see if you do 1ml of test 400 with 10% ba that means that you just did .1ml of ba. .1ml of ba aint gonna do anythig to you esp if its combined with 50% oil. bb at 20% is totally pain free. 40% hormone + 10% ba + 50% SO = final solution roughly, close enough.

those companies you talk about are either vet meds (like brovel and QV) or UG labs. i have never seen t 400 made by a pharm company. 200mg/ml is as high as i have seen it. upjohn is one example.

if you got some ba draw it up.1ml and add .5ml of SO and see what it does. nothing. how do i know? cause i tried it. thats 17% ba BTW.
about the 400mg/ml concentration... how is the pain ratio on that (1-10) w/ equi, deca and test enan?? or is it completely painless ?
kojie said:
about the 400mg/ml concentration... how is the pain ratio on that (1-10) w/ equi, deca and test enan?? or is it completely painless ?

everyone reacts differently to hormones. 500enan didnt bother me but others have probs with it. too many variables to consider.
Generally speaking, high mg/ml (400-500) long ester gear isnt bad. Ive never really heard of anyone getting crippled from it. I was shooting 450mg/ml EQ, 250mg/ml Tren and 500mg/ml test pain at all. You'll have to give it a try to see whats what.
that company that made t400

i guess that the t400 i took, it's the companies fault too much ba, that's for sure from two times of experience.