deca cycle help!!!


New member
hey bros lookin for a little 6"1 208 9-10%bf 26yrs old...been training for 5 yrs..after talking to some guys in the gym i started a deca 300mg a wk cycle now entering my 7th week(1st cycle by the way)..after finding this websight and seeing how much knowledge is floating around i wish i found it earlier..after reading many many threads ive learned i should have taken it with test or even test alone for 1st cycle. ok so ive admitted this cycle could be a mistake learned so i need no heat on this lol...but given where i am i do have test-e 250mg on hand now and was wondering if i should throw it in now or not..i had planned on runnin the deca for ten weeks at 300mg a wk...should i start throwin in the test and run it past the ten weeks or just stick with deca now then post cycle therapy (pct) with hcg then clomid...hope this post isnt too long..thanx bros...p.s i started at 198 now at 208..great strength too!!
are you having any libido problems? i made the same mistake several years back but had no libido problems deca doesnt affect everyone the same. i just kept going and did my post cycle therapy (pct) with no problems but like i said everyone is differ.
IMO Just run the test now until week 12, that will give your dick to recover from the Deca shutdown. Then start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot
skarhead1 said:
IMO Just run the test now until week 12, that will give your dick to recover from the Deca shutdown. Then start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot

I agree with that
thanx for the input guys.. how much mgs of test-e a wk...and one more thing should i run the hcg after the test and between the clomid or just wait two weeks after lost shot of test and just run clomid at 50mg ed..thanx again
Hey guy, test is good but I wouldn't trip if you are seeing results w/o neg. sides. I have run a los deca only cycle and it was cool for me. Maybe add the test next time and do proper post cycle therapy (pct) as well.
Since you're in the 7th week of a ten week cycle, I wouldn't bother adding the enthanate at this point.

If you had prop it might be something to consider, as you could extend the cycle by running it weeks 9-13 right up to post cycle therapy (pct). I don't see the reasoning behind adding a long-acting ester this late in the cycle, especially since you're not experiencing any sexual sides. I'd just save it for your next cycle.
I would definitely add the test into the cycle. When Im on Deca, my libido skyrockets. Its when I come off that Mr. happy ain't happy no more. Deca can wipe your sex drive out for a long time. Adding test can off set that shutdown somewhat.
HeHateMe said:
Since you're in the 7th week of a ten week cycle, I wouldn't bother adding the enthanate at this point.

If you had prop it might be something to consider, as you could extend the cycle by running it weeks 9-13 right up to post cycle therapy (pct). I don't see the reasoning behind adding a long-acting ester this late in the cycle, especially since you're not experiencing any sexual sides. I'd just save it for your next cycle.


no sides, no reason to add another compound, esp if making gains. makes no sense to add test
right pumped said:

no sides, no reason to add another compound, esp if making gains. makes no sense to add test

Yep, if you have no problems so far then don't worry.

Just make sure you do a hell of a post cycle therapy (pct) to recover well and fast. post cycle therapy (pct) after deca is supposed to be hard, so I would focus on getting this one right.
skarhead1 said:
IMO Just run the test now until week 12, that will give your dick to recover from the Deca shutdown. Then start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot

I disagree. I think introducing another AAS(even Test) will possibly only speed up the shutdown process more than itll be of help at this point. If hes not experiencing any libido problems I say dont mess with it. Go to week 8, do your post cycle therapy (pct), and next time use test with your deca.
Your probably not going to see sides until you end the cycle. SC made a good point since your so far along in the cycle. I would extend it, add test, and be happy. :D
If i did a poll i think we are at 50-50 right now lol...i know post cycle therapy (pct) is most of important and i deff want to hit it right..i got clomid on hand and can get hcg which it seems like i should..given these what should my post cycle therapy (pct) look like if i go ten weeks with deca and are there others i should get as well...thanx for all ur replies...If i start the test-e now i could take it to week 12 and deca to wk 10 to my understanding, so that would give me a total of 5 weeks on the test-e is that worth it? ive also read the labido prob comes after cycle not during cause im good to go as of now..just stuck in the middle here, seems to be alot of knowledge on this thread on either side of the fence. thanx bros!!
skarhead1 said:
IMO Just run the test now until week 12, that will give your dick to recover from the Deca shutdown. Then start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot

Thats about all you can do if anything. On the otherhand if you haven't had any problems? Maybe leave the Test alone? :dunno: