Deca doasge

dallasskyline said:
For my next cycle I am goign to run deca/dbol/sust (or cyp)...this will be my first time with deca. I am currently on my 4th cycle...

Enth 500mg/wk
EQ 600 mg/wk
prop 100mg/ed (week1-4)
winny 50mg/ed (week 9-13)

6'3 220 12%bf

Knowing this what is a good doasge of deca? I am going to take 30mg/ed of dbol and either 500 or 750mg/wk of the one of the tests...thoughts?:chimney:

Your currently on a cycle and already planning another.....that's what I like to see:afro: .

Good luck bro
Re: Re: Deca doasge

fatchops said:
Your currently on a cycle and already planning another.....that's what I like to see:afro: .

Good luck bro

Absolutely...I like to plan for every posible scenario (that can go wrong) so I have a plan in place to make sure my next cycle is not delayed...I have made the mistake, ONCE, of starting a cycle w/o all the gear and appropriate info...that was stupid of me. Since then all has run smoothly, except for business trips that get in the way, but I have solution for that to now.

I was not to "UP" on the idea of injecting into my pec, but I wanted some will do just fine.

I keep seeing threads about people drinking Winstrol (winny) zams instead of injecting...why is this?:chimney: