deca problems....weird problems

old timer

brazilian jiu-jitsu guy
okay. so i made deca in the concentration of 500mg/ml. so while injecting i feel this stinging sensation(i already aspirated and no blood), well and fine.

but 2 days later the site swells up and is red (pain tolerance is 5 out of 10.)

but my question is that it's been 2 weeks now...and the site that i injected deca(2ccs= 1000mgs) is still alittle red/purple and still lumpy/hard.) is this normal, has anyone experienced this?
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all of them that i have injected with 2ccs of deca500.

but another info. i put a 2/20 ratio when making deca. i know the bb wasn't necessary but i needed more liquid to put in the powder since the 2% of ba was so little, the powder wasn't dissolving.

is this normal what i'm experiencing. how long does it take for the lumps to go away? and is it usually red?
am i experiencing this b/c i'm putting so much concentration in one spot(1000mgs) and the site is inflammed b/c of this?

and okay let's presume that mabye there are endotoxins, when heating up the vial. do i put in an a frying pan on top of a high/med flame(gas) with a 22 gauge needle inserted in the stopper to relieve pressure from the heat? and how long do i heat it up?

sorry just eliminating all the factors here.
old timer said:
am i experiencing this b/c i'm putting so much concentration in one spot(1000mgs) and the site is inflammed b/c of this?

This is what my bet is one. How about to dilute it in the 300-400mg/ml range?
so basically i have to add extra oil the vial.

are there any other solutions to this weird phenomenon?
shit...ran out of whatman filters to add exta oil to my vial. well, i guess then i'll have to inject less. mabye 1.2 cc's.

anyways that's equivalent to about 600mgs.

yeah but next time i'll only make deca at a concentration of 400.

never underestimate deca. lol.
old timer said:
all of them that i have injected with 2ccs of deca500.

but another info. i put a 2/20 ratio when making deca. i know the bb wasn't necessary but i needed more liquid to put in the powder since the 2% of ba was so little, the powder wasn't dissolving.

is this normal what i'm experiencing. how long does it take for the lumps to go away? and is it usually red?

deca is soluable in oil. doesnt need any solvents. a little ba as a preservative if you like. some folks dont tolerate high concentrations well, you may be one. cut it down to 400 and see how it does.
okay so i ran out of whatman filters.....can i just put oil in the vial without using the filter? is it still ''safe'' ...has anyone done this b4?
bro try adding it to another gear while pinning.. eg. like 1ml of test and deca

might help bit
No, not unless its sterile oil.. you may be OK after baking it, but I honestly wouldn't recommend it... try ordering from an online site like GPZ and you should have your stuff in 3 days max... I would honestly wait until you can do it properly.

okay so let's say i bought store oil(grapeseed) and i want to bake it since i don't have a filter? i'm doing mine on top of a frying pan over a gas flame, so what level(high/med/low flame?) and how long should i heat it up for?

old timer said:
okay so let's say i bought store oil(grapeseed) and i want to bake it since i don't have a filter? i'm doing mine on top of a frying pan over a gas flame, so what level(high/med/low flame?) and how long should i heat it up for?


how you gonna controll the temp on the stove top? have you read anything about sterization procedures?

get some more filters. baking alone will not streilize it.

if you gonna heat it only then dont bother. just add the oil and fire away.

you already having trouble with the gear, now you gonna cut more corners. =0l

get a grip son.
i know this might be dumb question...but can i use a ''already used'' filter to just put oil in the solution? or is that as bad as not using a new one in the first place?
Sure you can... question is how many times has it been used. If you are using a whatman, they are good up to around 100ml, but some guys will stretch that to 150ml... if you used another compound with it, take some unfiltered oil and add some ba to that and push around 5ml of that through the filter to purge any shit outta there and then just filter your regular oil...

why use oil and ba to purge it. whats that gonna do cept clog the filter up even further?

only method i have heard of that makes any sense at all id push methanol thru it, then put it in the oven on LOW heat to dry it out.

OT buy some more filters or order S.O. and use it. why you want to RIG something up?

you could have had the stuff already as long as these posts been going on.
how the hell can i insulin these days. i mean none of my sources have them.

is there some sort of ''scheme'' i can to do to get my hands on that stuff.

right now i'm taking 900mg of test, (going to take 800mg of deca) and hopefully a 5 week cycle of insulin (10ui's after everywork out)

help me out here. if you can't give me a source, at least tell me how to get some of that stuff.