deca+sus cycle


New member
hi people, im 21, been trainin for 2 years hard, put on about 28lbs clean. currently weighing in at 175lbs.
am lookin to bulk up, i found this cycle on called the bread and butter newbie cycle:

monday: 200mg deca, 250 sustanon
thursday: 200mg deca, 250 sustanon

im tryin to get hold of some dbol to put in ed at 35mg, jus for about 4 weeks at the beginning of the cycle, im runnin this cycle for 10 weeks!

does anyone hav any comments?? im runnin this cycle coz its what i found to my liking, price wise and its very simple, a lot less maintenance and it gives me more money to buy more food!!

thanks for any posts, they will help!!

I'm 21 also at around 175lbs been training for about also 2-3 years hard and put on about 20-30 lbs naturally. I start my cycle next monday of Deca/Sust/Dbol and am very excited, I'm gonna post my reults and progress, you should do the same.