First Test tren mast cycle


New member
Wuts up fellas Im starting a new thread Going into this new cycle after coming off a 12 week test/deca/dbol cycle which was a first as well. It's been a great journey so far now to switch it up a bit.

Stats as of now
35 yrs
Guessing still at about 20% bf

Cycle started as of 2 days ago as follows

Test e @ 250/ week
Tren ace starting @ 280/ week
Mast e @ 400/ week

Question- should I still take adex if test is low and mast works as an ai?

*if anyone's got experience and solid advice with this cycle let me know, thanks
You may not need an AI.

But let me clarify for you and all the others that think Mast is an AI. Mast is not an AI.

Masteron does not aromatize and it does not carry any progestin nature making estrogenic side effects impossible with this steroid. This means gynecomastia and water retention will not be concerns. It also means high blood pressure that is sometimes caused by excess water retention will not be a concern. An anti-estrogen is not needed due to this steroid’s use; as discussed it can have anti-estrogenic effects itself. However, depending on the specific cycle/stack that’s implemented, an anti-estrogen may be needed.

It does NOTHING to inhibit the other compounds.
I was wondering the same... that's what is sounds like :dunno:

I just looked back and it appears OP was finishing up his last cycle on 4-18-17.

If so OP you are going to get diminishing returns........

Just read through his other log. I think he is going straight into this cycle after his test/deca/dbol.
Correct no time off. What is the negatives of this or does it matter? Or why should one not do it if that's the case?
If I want to cut up, do I still want to drink a "weight gainer" shake before bed with shit ton of carbs and calories or just protein? I need to eat eat eat but wut does this look like with carbs and calories?
If I want to cut up, do I still want to drink a "weight gainer" shake before bed with shit ton of carbs and calories or just protein? I need to eat eat eat but wut does this look like with carbs and calories?

I would learn to diet before touching aas.
Just try to replace some carbs with more protein i don't touch those mass gainers i buy all my protein in 1 kg bags just protein and add carbs if i want it works out cheaper as well
If you're buying mass gainers your paying a shit ton for malt or dex whatever carbs they use . I usually buy a 2 kg bag of powder oats and go to a home brew shop and buy a 10 kg bag of malt and dex mixture for 12 $ cheap as and it gives you the choice of what ratio of protein to carbs you want . Also have a look on Google check out s4 and gw both are great for cutting
I want to add var to the mix, any thoughts?

Are you getting ready for a show in the next year ?? Just asking because if not I will tell you in my experience, knowledge and in associations I find that no one needs or can understand just how to work a cycle of more then 3 compounds. Your body has to synergistically work so much with just 3 that a typical 12-16 week cycle is not enough time.

We have to remember that as much as they can make such a difference , that Nope there is no magic pill. Ya gotta put out way more then you will get in return. Just that way...takes time.

It will come in time... I suggest forget a 4th compound
My shakes are protein, peanut butter, banana, oatmeal, honey, poptart, and milk. Just wondering if I cut carbs and calories at night more thinking on that 16/8 eating schedule?
Are you getting ready for a show in the next year ?? Just asking because if not I will tell you in my experience, knowledge and in associations I find that no one needs or can understand just how to work a cycle of more then 3 compounds. Your body has to synergistically work so much with just 3 that a typical 12-16 week cycle is not enough time.

We have to remember that as much as they can make such a difference , that Nope there is no magic pill. Ya gotta put out way more then you will get in return. Just that way...takes time.

It will come in time... I suggest forget a 4th compound
Thanks mike and no no contests for me.
Just a life style
U shouldn't run this cycle yet as your body needs time to recover from last cycle. Time on = time off. Plus u should research carb timing. Don't expect that bf% to come down any taking that many carbs at bedtime. Carbs should be consumed pre, peri and post workout.
I need help... I have had the same workout split for the most part for the last year and a half. Every muscle twice a week usually push/pull two days off then repeat. Staying consistent at 4 sets 10-12 reps 100% until failure every set.
I feel like I've plateaued and since I'm wanting to lean out, how should I make a change?
Thanks for whoever has advice
I need help... I have had the same workout split for the most part for the last year and a half. Every muscle twice a week usually push/pull two days off then repeat. Staying consistent at 4 sets 10-12 reps 100% until failure every set.
I feel like I've plateaued and since I'm wanting to lean out, how should I make a change?
Thanks for whoever has advice

Diet (change) will be the main way to get the changes in your physique u want to see at this point. You could go with a number of different options on your workout routine as long as its different from what u have been doing. I personally wouldn't go the heavier weight less volume route but there is plenty of options of workouts for a cut phase. Personally on a cut I leave my ego at home and go lighter weight for reps focusing on mind muscle connection chasing the pump with short rest periods. Done correctly I pretty much get cardio in during my workout without doing cardio, follow?
Diet (change) will be the main way to get the changes in your physique u want to see at this point. You could go with a number of different options on your workout routine as long as its different from what u have been doing. I personally wouldn't go the heavier weight less volume route but there is plenty of options of workouts for a cut phase. Personally on a cut I leave my ego at home and go lighter weight for reps focusing on mind muscle connection chasing the pump with short rest periods. Done correctly I pretty much get cardio in during my workout without doing cardio, follow?
Yup I gotcha. I think I agree on more volume less weight is where I need to trend. Right now I'm lifting so heavy I'm cashed before I get to second third muscles.

As far as diet, I think I'm on the right track limiting my carbs to morning and noon, the rest are lean protein fruits and veggies.

I like the idea of 1 muscle per day or each muscle once a week therefore I would get a solid day for arms and shoulders on their own but have never committed. I want to hit each twice a week.

One idea is every other day split with cardio and abs on in between off days.

I haven't noticed a REAL change with switching gear so waiting on tren to start working