Deca, Test E, Primo, Dbol


New member
Hey all I'm looking to put on some serious bulk for the first half of year this will be my third cycle. Stats 5'10" 209lbs 12%.. My body fat has gone up over the Christmas holidays (neglect)

So this is what I'm looking at.
Weeks 1-12 Test E 750mg per week
Weeks 1-12 Deca 400mg per week
Weeks 1-12 Primo 400mg per week
Weeks 1-5 dbol 50mg ed

AI - adex .5 per day

Clomid 50,50,50,50
Nolva 40,40,20,20

Please any experienced cyclists let me know if it needs some tweaking

For ever Large and in charge peace
Id recommend a low dose masteron enth honestly in place of the primo. Like 200-300mg/wk. Also be sure to run the dbol at week 9-13/14

This will allow a bit of a bridge into the post cycle therapy (pct). Id also honestly suggest bumping the test down to 200mg/wk for 4-6 weeks after week 12, the last shot of deca. It will be in your system for around that amount of time, it takes a while for it to "ester out" as i like to call it. Meaning even if you post cycle therapy (pct), the nandrolone in your system will still shut you down after you finish the pct and youre still fucked.

So id suggest a cruise dose until the deca has more time to clear. Also running the dbol 2 weeks past the deca will help retain a lot of gains as well.

DBOL and deca are amazing, but only when deca has had time to kick in will the dbol show its true effects in muscle building.
Also dont run nolvadex until the deca is out of system.

Id honestly only run the clomid the first month after waiting 4-6 weeks. Then after the month of clomid id do a month of nolvadex. They dont need to be run together and they shouldnt be. It will actually hinder recovery.

Get some prami or caber. I like prami. Start at .125mg 2x day. morning and night. Its like liquid viagra to me. Makes me feel amazing, and 400% increase in hgh.
Changed it up
Weeks 1-12 test e 750mg
Weeks 1-10 deca 600mg
Weeks 1-4 dbol 50mg ed
Weeks 10-14 dbol 50mg ed

No Nolva
Deca needs to be tan at 14weeks minimum as it takes 8weeks to even notice deca.

I would go test 18weeks and deca 16weeks all those doses are great!