Deca/Tren cycle


New member
Hey fellas just asking for a friend how long after a deca tren cycle should he start his post cycle therapy (pct) .He finally took my advice and bought some clomid I just dont understand how someone can just pin themselves without having done any research at ALL!!! Instead just listening to the dumb ass dealer that hasnt even cycled cause first off I wouldnt even try deca tren alone anyways your answer would be some great help as his last pin was a week ago.
I hear alot of guys say that the 2 together is a bitch tit waiting to happen. But I ran npp and tren together and had zero issues with gyno. But I'm one in a million because there are some who get it just on test. I would be more concerned about the limp noodle to follow. :dunno:
Like DM said...put test in there for sure!!!
Its a bit late to throw test in guys, his last jab was a week ago lol.
Tell him to start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) now at 500iu 3 x wk and get some nolva to go with his clomid and start that in another 2wks, i would also add 50mg prov ED to post cycle therapy (pct) to help with mood and libido, he sure as hell is going to need it.
Its a bit late to throw test in guys, his last jab was a week ago lol.
Tell him to start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) now at 500iu 3 x wk and get some nolva to go with his clomid and start that in another 2wks, i would also add 50mg prov ED to post cycle therapy (pct) to help with mood and libido, he sure as hell is going to need it.

no he should not do nolva!
clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) and cabergaline if needed.

too late for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and prov is just goona keep him shut down.

stupid cycle he may learn his lesson.
So Mr MOD. I take it you won't allow that post because you disagree, i guess you are misinformed too.
Fuck you and fuck this forum, its full of pricks who dont know what they are fucking talking about anyway.
So Mr MOD. I take it you won't allow that post because you disagree, i guess you are misinformed too.
Fuck you and fuck this forum, its full of pricks who dont know what they are fucking talking about anyway.

and what are we misinformed about?

1) running deca w/tren?
2) running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) after cycle has ended?
3) running nolva w/deca and/ or tren?

please inform me. inspiring minds would like to know!
hes dump for running this STUPID cycle.

but 3 weeks after last deca shot.

nolva and/or clomid for 4 weeks
*do not use nolva DURING use of deca and/or tren!!!*
for post cycle therapy (pct) its fine.
guys do you think running deca and tren in same cycle if it was tren a and only for first 5 to 6 weeks.
guys do you think running deca and tren in same cycle if it was tren a and only for first 5 to 6 weeks.

just as ozzy said, npp and tren ace is a solid cycle

I ran:

NPP 100mg ED weeks 1-8
Tren Ace 75mg EOD weeks 1-9
Test Prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-10

The gains were AMAZING.
Ya I agree it wasnt a very smart cycle he only gained about nine pounds and just looks a little more cut and very vascular. Thanx juiced for answering my question!!! this thread is dead Zed.. ha love pulp fiction!!