Delt injections experiences


New member
Has anyone on here shot delts? I have a few questions:

-Was it side or front? Does it matter? Spotinjections site points toward mid head

-Any Tips, Are nerves common to hit? Any worry here?

-The plan is a 12 week tren ace cycle. I'm hoping to use EOD with delts only for this compound. Would this be okay or would EOD not work due to having oil still in them? If not, i'll have to mix it with quads

My glutes are starting to get some full fledge scar tissue. I mean, I can nail it straight in and be perfect shot, but its still a lump all the time due to over injecting it. So I'm working on switching into quads and delts.

Going to be shooting tren ace for the first time on a new spot lol. Can't wait. Nervous in 2 directions
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It's pretty simple bro I basically drawing x, on my Dell with an imaginary line, I keep my eye on the spot then I swap the area, then blammo.. that's the protocol I used in my earlier years now I pretty much know just where to go..... but to be honest with you VG is even easier believe it or not, and it's my go-to spot....

Just try to keep the volume 1.5mL and under for now...2mL after the delts get used to it...

25g 1.0 pin...easy peasy!
It's pretty simple bro I basically drawing x, on my Dell with an imaginary line, I keep my eye on the spot then I swap the area, then blammo.. that's the protocol I used in my earlier years now I pretty much know just where to go..... but to be honest with you VG is even easier believe it or not, and it's my go-to spot....

Just try to keep the volume 1.5mL and under for now...2mL after the delts get used to it...

25g 1.0 pin...easy peasy!

I only got 21 to draw and 25s to shoot. Been using them for any spots.

I'm going to be shooting 1.3cc in them.

U think that EOD using delts only for 12 weeks is okay and enough to not build up scar tissue too bad? Or do u think I should shoot some into glutes when I do my test injections there. I'd have to shoot 2.8ml in the glutes. So 1.5cc test + 1.3 cc tren in quAD

edit: my barrels only go to 2.5ml.........................what to do
I would most definitely rotate site injections..... Scar Tissue could be a factor but I would be more concerned about building an abscess or even worse developing cellulitis with repetitive injections to the same area.... you need to let your body metabolize and disperse the carrier oil and hormone, you don't want to keep agonizing by injecting a foreign substance habitually to the same area.... definitely rotate,L dealt,R dealt, L glute,R glute....VG or quad if you're feeling froggy....
I would most definitely rotate site injections..... Scar Tissue could be a factor but I would be more concerned about building an abscess or even worse developing cellulitis with repetitive injections to the same area.... you need to let your body metabolize and disperse the carrier oil and hormone, you don't want to keep agonizing by injecting a foreign substance habitually to the same area.... definitely rotate,L dealt,R dealt, L glute,R glute....VG or quad if you're feeling froggy....

any way I can get 3ml barrs? somewhere in usa. Not online?
I absolutely LOVE delts. My idea of pinning delts may be different then some, but where there is skin on delts, it's seen a pin. I've been on blasting or trt for 8 years, so there isn't many places I've not pinned...
any way I can get 3ml barrs? somewhere in usa. Not online?

For just about every state it's perfectly legal to order them online.... or you can go down to your local pharmacy preferably a private one and they will sell you anything between 23-25g ( in most cases ), anything over that they most likely won't sell you because of the heroin epidemic, when it concerns gauge size, they won't even sell your bac water for that because of junkies....

Walgreens or Rite Aid will sell you intramuscular, but some of the agencies can be problematic for some people, but I have seen it done andeal doNE so myself.... also you can look at any medical supply store located near any local hospital and your surrounding area,sometimes they sell needles without prescription... last but not least depending on your location I'm sure you could locate a needle exchange and they will even give you what you need...

But like I advocated it's better to go to a private Pharmacy if you can find one because large corporations do not have to sell you anything even if it's legal in your state, they are not obligated to abide by that rule because of corporate policies..
Just pinned left delt. I stayed near the top part of it to hopefully avoid nerves.

My delt feels like its on fire for some reason. No twiching or anything like that. It just really hurts. Wtf

I did 1.3 cc of tren ace too. Any idea? I can feel some pain below the lower mid delt too. didn't even shoot in that area.
Mike pins and pens are e z to buy here. I use 5/8 inch 25 g. I due quads and delts only. If it was a 1 st time that s the deal. I hit front delt s but never more than 1 cc
but that s me.
Glutes 1.5 max but I do lil girl cycles.
Has anyone on here shot delts? I have a few questions:

-Was it side or front? Does it matter? Spotinjections site points toward mid head

-Any Tips, Are nerves common to hit? Any worry here?

-The plan is a 12 week tren ace cycle. I'm hoping to use EOD with delts only for this compound. Would this be okay or would EOD not work due to having oil still in them? If not, i'll have to mix it with quads

My glutes are starting to get some full fledge scar tissue. I mean, I can nail it straight in and be perfect shot, but its still a lump all the time due to over injecting it. So I'm working on switching into quads and delts.

Going to be shooting tren ace for the first time on a new spot lol. Can't wait. Nervous in 2 directions

Always give 2 weeks before hitting each spot. dont pin same spot every week and specially not multiple times a week. you can and may likely end up with a steril absess and extra scar tissue. i know this personally.
if you are using something for eod you are going to need quads, delts AND glutes IMO. i leave each spot for 2 weeks now before hitting again.
and mid delt is my fav spot for delts. if you go front delt keep it 0.5ml 1ml max IMO. glutes 3, quads 1.5-2ml, delts 1.5ish

I'm pinning

I have quads and delts open. I REALLY need to not use glutes for some time. I literally always get a lump in each side. The scar tissue is build up so strong, that it bends the needle once in a while and Even if its a perfect shot, it will turn red on the outside and a lump will always pop up, even though I know it's not in fat.

So I really have only 4 sites I can use. I'm just opening delts and quads have been used before, but its been over a year tbh. So the PIP is pretty real.