Denkal anavar--please help!


New member
For those of you who have read my last couple of threads know that i'm currently doing an EQ-only cycle @800mg per week, and am on week 7 with no results! I was thinking about throwing some anavar into it-preferaly Denkal. The only problem is I cant afford much and I'm limited to only anavar becasue of hairloss. I weigh 210, am 5'8. will using 30-35mg per day make any kind of difference in strength for the last 4-5 weeks?
What kind of eq are you running? Sounds odd that you don't have ANY gains even though EQ is a weak drug. I wouldn't say its weak but I would always run it with something. I would save the Anavar (var) bro for the next cycle bro. Just MO.
Diet consists of low carbs... Itys definitely not fake. I have all the symptoms..anxiety, rage, hunger. I dont care for size all i care is for increased strength. Thats why I suggested anavar for the last 4-5 weeks at 35 mg..what do u think?
That's the problem if you want mass gains you need carbs. I never experienced rage or anxiety with EQ. The anavar isn't going to bring mass gains, but it will bring strength gains.

ripped1979 said:
Diet consists of low carbs... Itys definitely not fake. I have all the symptoms..anxiety, rage, hunger.

It still could be fake, to me those sound like all the symptoms of lowcarbing it.

Eat a twinkie, it'll make you feel better. That was a joke, everybody knows donuts are more anabolic than twinkies. ;)
Um...Actually I do eat good quality carbs..brown rice, yams, no bread or pasta...Another thing guys, i'm not really trying to get bigger off this cycle i'm just trying to get stronger..I was thinking if i run anavar for 6 weeks at 35 mg.. along with some 1-AD...(got me strong as hell last time) The reason I mention these 2 is that I'm half way through this cycle and dont plan on doing another one for about a year..cant afford it. I'm just WORRIED AT M WEIGHT(210LBS) i WONT GET ANY STRENGTH GAINS OFF THE ANAVAR AT 35 MG/DAY FOR 5-6 WEEKS?