Detailed log of progress with 3J

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Thought I would check in with you guys to let you know how I have been doing. My weight had gotten down to 203, but is now back up to 208. The good news is I lost 3/4 of an inch off my stomach and also gained almost an inch in my chest. I am sure the weight gain is due to the gear. I am bound to put on weight while cycling. I feel f'ing great too! Much props to 3j for putting up with all of my questions! I will upload pics later this week. Just had a leg workout and I feel like I am going to puke! Talk to ya guys soon.
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I'll stick to 3j, how much more spam am I gonna get! First, I don't know how to workout and now I don't know how to diet! HAHAHA!
Ok guys, week 2 in the books and I feel a lot better health wise. I had a good week for training as well. Here are the pics for the end of week 2. I think I tightened up a little in the mid section and low back, but I still have a long ways to go. My weight is steady at 203 lbs and I am really bloated from the gear I think. I will be adding cardio back in the mix as well, 4 x week @30 minute sessions. Feedback is always appreciated as well as criticism on my physique, I won't be offended if you tell me I need to get better here or there. I always want others opinons it really helps me out!
nice work bro you can see you are looking leaner in your second set of pics,keep it up im following this log :)
Week 3 in the books! Things are going well, but I got a big dose of reality on Tuesday. I went and got a bod pod test and revealed I was 25.4% body fat. I am steady at 207 right now with my measurements going down in the waist, but chest has grown as well as some other muscle groups. So, I am making improvements throughout this journey. I also landed with the stomach flu today so I havent been able to eat all day. Hopefully I have a quick bounce back from this bug.
Week 3 in the books! Things are going well, but I got a big dose of reality on Tuesday. I went and got a bod pod test and revealed I was 25.4% body fat. I am steady at 207 right now with my measurements going down in the waist, but chest has grown as well as some other muscle groups. So, I am making improvements throughout this journey. I also landed with the stomach flu today so I havent been able to eat all day. Hopefully I have a quick bounce back from this bug.

Dnt sweat it bro,your on a bulking cycle anyway right? Obviously dont let yourself totally go,keep at the bf your at now and once youv bulked up you can cut down,3J can sort out anything for you. It took me a few weeks to get from 25percent to i dnt knw wht i am not but im in ok shape. Good luck man and dont give up,im following your log :)
Ok bros,

I have decide to begin pre contest as of today. I will be competing on June 23, 2012. So, I have a lot of work ahead of me and 3j will be the person behind the scenes and I will be the one taking myself to the land of vomit day in and day out. I will continue to post as much as possible. I will post up some pics later on this evening. This is going to be a transformation of the ages!!!!! You guys wait and see what I can do and how much I will change all thanks to 3j!:chomp:
hey your going to thank you own dedication wayyyy before your going to thank me.. lets do this!!!
Secret body

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It's awesome that you're competing this year man - will it be your first show? I want to compete this year too but it won't be until October if I do - but I still have a lot of mass to pack on before then!

I'm also a 3J client and very happy - he'll get you where you need to be brother!
Yeah I will upload later on. I did the Natural MI in 09. Placed 3rd out of 15. I was out of condition IMO, I should have competed 10-15 lbs lighter. Day of show I weighed 168 lb, if I was 6-8 weeks more conditioned I would have taken the lightweight division. Legs and shoulder width are my high points. My carb up worked perfectly in the morning comparisons. I will post some of the comparison if I can figure it out too and the difference from the morning to night is night and day different.
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Wow man you looked great! I think you're conditioning is pretty good - do you know what bf % was? Great calves too! I'll definitely be following your progress...and maybe even asking for some tips!!
Thanks!!! If you look closely at the rear lat spread you can see the fat around low back, tighten that up as well as the love handle and the intercostals could have been a lot better. This is just my own criticism though. I would have dominated the lightweight division! My boy competed in that division and I would have blown him away with my width.
For some reason I can't click on the very last photo (where you're doing the front lat spread)...can you upload that one again?