Dexter's Test-e Progress (Pics)


No longer Cycles
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Good.shit brother!
Any plans for your next.cycle? Compounds of choice?

Thanx Frank
Either Test+Var or quit the game and continue naturally.
Most likely that was my first and last cycle. I'm too young for this, about to turn 23. But if it's going to be test and var it's gonna be next year.

Solid fucking gains dude! That's a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Great job!
Thanx Metal.
Outstanding, Dexter. I see some awesome genetics there. Lots of hard work is showing clearly. Keep it up, buddy and stay powerful.
Thanx Frank
Either Test+Var or quit the game and continue naturally.
Most likely that was my first and last cycle. I'm too young for this, about to turn 23. But if it's going to be test and var it's gonna be next year.

Thanx Metal.

Ahhh I gotcha
Well best of luck with pct recovery and future natty gains
VERY nice proportions man. I second Austinite's sentiment in that your hard work shows. Keep it up! :bigok:
VERY nice proportions man. I second Austinite's sentiment in that your hard work shows. Keep it up! :bigok:
Thanks Half for the kind comment :D
looking good man:) cut down and ull look like a beast!! what side effects did you get??
A few acne bumps right after a cycle, everything else was great, my body responded very well to test. No testicular atrophy also. Pretty much no negative sides, just the good one's :)

Congrats dexter!!! Looking great, even with your bulking!!! Keep it up brother.
Thanks buddy

dexter, can i spread nutella on you and then lick it off... no homo....semi homo.......

Anytime Vitaliy, I mean Dennis.