Dextrose in which products?


New member
I dont have access to dextrose powder, which foods have dextrose in them for post workout? any common ones? thanks!
i live in japan but im currently in the middle east, and have been for the past 2 months, and for the next 2 months... (military)
I think sweet tarts are mostly dextrose.

Don't quote me on that though, I'm not 100% sure.
jelly beans, airheads, mentos are a few i know of... check out candy packages for maltodextrin and/or dextrose as one of the main ingredients.
nabiller said:
hey thats cool... CANDY CANDY CANDY!!! haha... YES AN excuse to eat candy!! what about M&M's? lol...

haha doubtful.

it's cheaper to just add bulk bought dextrose to your shakes, but candy is fine too.
SUCCESS, partially... not pure dextrose, but i found Gatorade pound jugs for sale at the shop on base, for 5.95. i got a fruit punch flavored one, says 1st ingredient is sucrose, then dextrose... is that the right one? i thought i wanted only dextrose and no sucrose, fructose, glucose etc...

anyway if this is the right stuff, how many scoops do i want to eat after a workout? it says 3/4 scoop is 16g, but how much of that is dextrose?
16g of carbs? or sugars?

you want to be taking in .7g per kg of bodyweight. just go by the directions.

dextrose is ideal... but a touch of sugar in it won't kill you. it's just that you don't want to be eating ONLY sugar.
Celltech is about the most expensive route you can go! If you cant get bulk dextrose from then I would go with gatorade or sweet tarts.
local brewhouse.... lol... im in deployed to the middle east right now dude... even if i could get off base... i seriously doubt there is any brew houses in Qatar...
Plus, asking around for onme might get you arrested....