Diabetic Bodybuilders


New member
I was recently diagnosed with late-onset Type 1 diabetes. I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience bodybuilding as a diabetic. It has been great for putting on mass, but now when it comes to leaning out its hard to keep to a low carb diet.
Don't diet low carb.

There have been bodybuilders who were successful and were diabetic. You may have heard of one of them.
Dont do the lo- carbs!!!

If youre on Insulin- and you do the Lo-carbs and the training youre going to have low blood sugars and may pass out - you need some carbs to keep energy up and keep blood sugars stable or slightly higher
Hey pipes!

My brother too was diagnosed with Type1 diabetes recently. He have been training for sometime now.

He is now taking a 30/70 preparation but he tells me that he finds it very hard to control when exercising. After some research, I recommended he switch to lantus and humalog and see if this help him get a tighter control on his diabetes.

How are your readings? in check most of the times?
If you're a type-1 diabetic and want to diet with low carbs, just use less insulin (you'll still need some though because protein and fat also raise blood glucose levels).
I noticed Dbol made my blood sugars through the roof! :eek2:

However, with Test E I never notice an effect, IGF makes me way MORE slin sensative...
Keep this thread alive! I know theres a site, (diabeticmuscle.com) thats been started by a pro type 1 bodybuilder, but not sure its been updated for a while, I would love to know of more pros that were type 1 and what there insulin regemin was like...

I have used test in the past and didnt notice and blood sugar related issues like I did on Dbol...
Well, I am on the Insulin pump. I use Humalog in the pump. The pump settings are quite different than injecting, expecially if you are using a long acting, and shorter acting insulin in your insulin therapy. One thing I can tell you, is that you have to have some carbs in your diet if you are type 1, and on insulin, and making an attempt at bodybuilding. I have know people to do a very low card diet, take insulin, keep their blood sugars low, and survive, but they were not trying to build muscle. To build, you have to eat! I was always a skinny, tall, and wasn't blessed with muscles, so making gains is a trick in itself. Using the "Pump" helped, as a shorter acting, and lasting insulin allowed me to compensate a little for diet, and exercise. I am not sure how I would do using Regular, NPH, 30/70 or the other forms of insulin out there. I had a hard time with Regular insulin, and acually passed out serveral times on it. I woke up in an ambulance, with the EMT giving me D-50 though an IV.
My suggstion is get comfortable with a schedule. Yes I know that word schedule frightens people! But taking insulin, getting on a schedule with your diet is the top most priority, and that will help you define what type of workouts, when you workout, and how many times you workout. Another issue is, I have always not been able to workout heavy, when my blood sugar is over 250. It is not good to because your keytones are on the rise. My blood sugar always went higher when I was lifting heavier, when my blood glucose was over 250. I would start a workout at say, 265, and end up at 325 after the workout! Keeping the A1C low is paramount!
Good luck with your endeavors, as it will be a challange, but well worth it!
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