Dialing in and a major kick in the ego. I thought I was there!


New member
I started trt the end of November. I was real low prior with total test as low as 59, and as high as 190 prior to starting trt. I wanted to take advantage of having normal t so I worked out harder and ate like a horse. I've since calmed down, lost the water I gained initially, and have felt amazing. I feel 20 years younger. The trt clinic I use is pretty loose, so I've tested on my own above and beyond they're minimal testing. I felt so good I wanted to know exactly where I was because I felt "this must be it". Well turns out 200mg/wk + hcg 50 units/ wk puts me over the 1500 that lab Corp tests to. What a royal kick in the ego. Knowing I fee this good, but also knowing I need to dial it back is a total bummer. I fee like I've been living a lie. Wtf!!! I gave blood in January and my hct and rbc are already up there. What a bummer. If I feel half as good with "normal" #'s I'll be pretty happy. Ugh.

Lesson learned again. Blood tests, blood tests, blood tests. It's the only way to know wtf is going on.
You did test your trough correct?

I know better, but kind of. I realize this makes me look like a dink, but three kids, busy work schedule, etc. I usually divide my dose into Monday Friday. I was away for a week, so I took 200 on the Friday before my trip, came back missing my Monday Friday and took 100 Saturday 100 Monday. I was feeling pretty great, and realized it wasn't exactly my trough and tested Friday morning due to my schedule. I realize this would make a bit of a difference, but how much of a difference would it make?
IMT apparently knows a thing or two about this. I bumped down to 140 for a few weeks and I'm at 785 total t. My hct is still slightly elevated at 50.7 ref 41-53, and I donated blood two weeks prior. It will be interesting to check my hct again in a bit to see if the lower dose gets me closer to pre trt hct #'s. I looked back at my cbs's over the years and my low was 43, and high was 47 hct prior to trt.

Thank you
IMT apparently knows a thing or two about this. I bumped down to 140 for a few weeks and I'm at 785 total t. My hct is still slightly elevated at 50.7 ref 41-53, and I donated blood two weeks prior. It will be interesting to check my hct again in a bit to see if the lower dose gets me closer to pre trt hct #'s. I looked back at my cbs's over the years and my low was 43, and high was 47 hct prior to trt.

Thank you

great to hear your in right direction :)