Dianabol = better results & less side effects then injectable testosterone.

since i dont believe you can keep gains from any of these drugs, i dont see the problem with oral only cycles

theres actually positives to shorter cycle over longer cycles

it all depends how you look at it
Dang DaDawg and user and all u others why dont you back off geez ........... I am in fact doing real dbol from the land of glitter and unicorns, stacked with some abombs which has a bad rep cus they work wonders and while im at it I am adding Winstrol (winny) as well an I know its all legit cus it comes from www.Iamtardedtodooralonlyimafukinggenius.com I will be doing it for 27weeks cus hell I am FUKING invinicible and besides livers dont do much for us anyway........... right??

Dude seriously ur in for a hurting but hope for your sake it goes well and your happy. I have a feeling you'll learn like all the others tht its not as easy as a book makes it sound.
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Tarbosh What we are telling you is we've been using Dbol and Test for most of if not your whole life. Is great for strength. Methyl test has only been in product for the last 6 years. Dbol is very cheap people do fake it. THere is not need to try to pass off methyl test as dbol. The cost is half of the methyl test per Kilo. Your just wrong about what you believe. THere is a reson why the staff members are on staff. It's experience both clinical and practical.

5x10 you can keep gain from all steroids even Dbol but you need to know how to do it and you have to really be on your game. Diet training and sleep. post cycle therapy (pct) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or IGF-1 are must.

The problem is 80% of you guys aren't ready to use steroids. You body's aren't in the right shape to maximize growth. Most of you have only been training for 2 years witch isn't long enough to really know what you doing. Less then 5 % of you know anything about eating to grow.

We are here to help keep you safe and to help you learn why things work the way they do. We don't have a problem with apposing views. We do have a problem with bad science and theory based on old outdated science.
Just thought i would chime in on this whole dbol cycle only, im currently in podiatry school in socal and we get placed with certain athletic groups around the area. And what is funny about this is i had a football player come in for a high ankle sprain on friday. We do a regular full blood screen for any of our new clients. And this rather large red shirt OLM had the lowest test levels i have seen sense i have been on my clinical rotations. he had lower levels than the grandpa i had just seen who was very non active(which does lead to lower test levels not to mention he was 60+). His liver enzymes were high expected from a college kid bench drinker to a extent but not at this level. He admits he has been taking pills from his buddies on the team and that they were dbol and that could be why he has failed to feel the urgency to play at his fullest. My point is if your not going to listen to these guys, listen to someone who 3 days ago took blood work from a kid who did what your wanting to do. I treated his sprain and had to refer him to see a doc because i cant exactly give out what he is needing. Get your shit together man, TEST IS KING PERIOD.
correct, Test is the best base i personally believe, and only a very select few orals can be taken alone look at the sticky at the top of the board or at what dog posted.
here is my current cycle and I am loving it.

Test Cyp 500mgs/weeks 1-12
Deca 400mgs week 1-10
Dbol 40mgs daily weeks 1-5
Adex .5mgs/daily

50mgs daily weeks 1-4
Aromasin 12.5mgs Eod Weeks 1-4

This has worked great for me so far, I would run something like this instead of wasting your money just on Dbol for short term gains and impacted natty test levels. Not really worth it to run 6 weeks of an oral and only get temporary strength and temp size. Just do it right and run an injectable with it.
Sorry if i'm posting in a wrong topic, but I need help !

A friend of mine started a cycle with dianabol for 6 weeks, 30mg/day. A day after the last administration of dianabol, he took 100mg of Clomid. It's now 6 days from the first administration of Clomid, but he complains that he has weak and rare erections. He is taking 100mg of Clomid daily.
My question is: should he continue with Clomid for about 8-10 days, or is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) neccessary ?

I hope that you understand what I had written. I need an answer as quickly as possible :(
Sorry if i'm posting in a wrong topic, but I need help !

A friend of mine started a cycle with dianabol for 6 weeks, 30mg/day. A day after the last administration of dianabol, he took 100mg of Clomid. It's now 6 days from the first administration of Clomid, but he complains that he has weak and rare erections. He is taking 100mg of Clomid daily.
My question is: should he continue with Clomid for about 8-10 days, or is HCG neccessary ?

I hope that you understand what I had written. I need an answer as quickly as possible :(

Continue the clomid for 3 weeks. 100mg isn't necessary, 50mg is fine.
Start your own thread if you want answers instead of hijacking this one.

Robbiek that's a nice cycle and all but don't advise all that for a guy for his first cycle. I understand you are trying to help and it looks fine but first timers should stick to test only to see how they respond to the hormone/sides.
why even argue with this guy? He'll be the steroidology "STICKY" of the negatives of oral only cycles....I say chow down buddy.....
Start your own thread if you want answers instead of hijacking this one.

Robbiek that's a nice cycle and all but don't advise all that for a guy for his first cycle. I understand you are trying to help and it looks fine but first timers should stick to test only to see how they respond to the hormone/sides.

I agree, I only read the title and wasnt aware this was his first cycle. If it is your first cycle go with 400mgs of test c or e a week to see if you have any pre disposition to estrogenic/androgenic side effects.
Im going to be doing a dbol only cycle just to see if my shit is real. I think dbol only cycles get a bad rep because most of the stuff on the black market is not actual dianabol, instead its methyl testosterone labeled as dbol. The drug counterfeiters do this to make more money because methyl testosterone is cheaper than dianabol and the user feels the effect of the methyl test and buys more creating repeat customers. There is a great deal of evidence pointing to this.

The first reason is dianabol was developed by Dr. Ziegler as a answer to the Soviet Union injecting their athletes with testosterone propionate. This made the Russians super strong but the androgenic effects of the testosterone were so bad that their prostates would swell up and they needed to stick a tube or catheter way up the pipe in their penises through the prostate in to the bladder just so they could piss. this is where androgenic/anabolic ratios came from. When scientists developed new steroids they would inject a group of hundreds of rats with testosterone wich is 100 andorgenic and 100 anabolic and inject another group of rats with the new steroid they were testing like dianabol which is 40-60 androgenic and 90-210 anabolic. they would then cut open the rats after the course of steroids was completed and weight their prostates in comparison to there sphincter anus muscles. The more the sphincter weighed in comparison to the prostate the better results you would get in relation to side effects from that substance. If you are getting inferior quality water mass gains with more side effects from what you think is real dbol compared to injectable testosterone like nothing but water weight balding acne getting up to piss every three seconds at night because of your enlarged prostate then your dbols are junk methyl testosterone. Methyl test is 94-130 androgenic and 115-150 anabolic, thats a shity ratio compared to real dbol and a worse androgenic rating than injectable test because of its methyl alteration.

The other reason is in the early days of steroids there was a debate about whether or not testosterone really built muscle they tried and tried with different doses but had limited success proving it on a consistent basis. Then dianabol came along and it just plain worked with less side effects and better results. How much dbol did they have to take to do this? Dr. Ziegler said take no more than 15 mg a a day and yes that was for enhancement purposes for the USA olympic weight lifting team.The Anabolics 2006 book the says the minimum recommended dosage for enhancement purposes of methyl test is 40 -50 mg a day(minimum). What do all the ''bros" on the boards who supposedly know their shit recommend to see results from dbol? 40 -50mg a day just what you need of crappy methyl test not the 15mg a day recommended by Dr. Ziegler.

More evidence of most black market dbol being methyl testosterone comes from the the PBS documentary Secrets of the Dead Doping for Gold. I cant post links but you can Google it and watch the whole thing. In the 70's and 80's testosterone was not detectable on a drug test. Exactly 30 min into the documentary It is explained how during their training athletes would use (methandienone = dbol) and Stanozolol then switch to testosterone to preserve their gains and pass the drug test. Male and female athletes did this, male weight lifters typically took dbol (methandienone) for the Olympics in the 70's / 80's. Why would they take something that produces crappy water weight gains that you piss out with harsh side effects when the typical knowledge on the steroid boards says they could have used injectable testosterone and make better quality gains you don't lose right away and since its testosterone never have to worry about a 70's or 80's drug test? the reason is real dbol produces better quality gains with less side effects than Testosterone.

I have seen threads on other board of how people have gotten very good results off dbol only with little water retention but again I cant post links. I know Im going to get flamed about the orals only thing by people in denial about how most of the stuff they are taking is fake but ask yourself why would a scummy drug dealer sell you the real deal when they can make more cash selling you something else?

dude in 8 posts you have that much red? what the fuck are you doing?
I know this is an old thread, but nevertheless, I've got some things on my mind about this.

I'm not going to argue who's right or wrong, just asking some questions (genuine questions, not trolling):

1. Why was (are) new AAS even made, if 'the good old test is the king'?

To my knowledge, test was found in the 30's. So why would someone (Dr. Ziegler) invent something (Dbol) twenty years later, that is inferior? (In anabolic qualities, as that's what it was specifically made for).

2. 'Test is the base of every cycle'. While I understand that one could use test while the natural production is halted (for health reasons, and maybe getting your cock hard), why is every 'good' cycle always with a 500mg(ish) test base? If the average male produces around 50mg of test a week (correct if I'm wrong), why would you need ten times of that, just to keep whatever test keeps, functioning?

So to add the two questions together: If test is the king, why use the other 'inferior' AAS to begin with?

Or, if infact modern AAS are actually superior (anabolic wise), why use test more than what is needed (natural amount)?

I know it's a bit black & white, but I'd like to hear your opinions, and the reasons behind them.
I hope someone can at least try to answer these, without just calling names and going lol.
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