you have posted a bunch of shit from 30-40 years ago that means absolutely SHIT.
the reason you will get flamed is because you dont know what your talking about , just another in the line of many who are afraid of needles or are just to lazy to do a cycle right.
YOu just DONT get it do you?I guess you're right User.
Yeah, I've heard this 'test is natural', and honestly, basing an argument on something because it's 'natural' is...
Just because our body produces it naturally for it's purposes, doesn't make it any more or less dangerous when injecting 10x the doses your body needs.
My body needs it for it's anabolic and adrogenic qualities. However, I'm building muscle (anabolic), and not trying to get prostate problems(androgenic).
And if you really want the 'natural' test anyway, you gotta extract it from a real specimen. As technically, you are injecting yourself with synthetic test, which is not (chemically speaking) the exact same thing.
I'll appreciate your input nevertheless. Keep yourselves safe people.
i powerlifted for 15 years and we ALL used test as a base . your theory that dbol wont add weight makes me laugh anyway . even if you were right about test just adding mass , thats what 90% of the meatheads on this board want anyway .you managed to type out a whole lot of nothing.
First of all the OP is citing a 40 year old scientific study from the same people that thought it was a good idea to administer meth amphetamines daily.
Why the hostility DADAWG? I don't know you, didn't call you out, and have no qualms with you.
What I typed out was a whole lot of relevant information answering someone's question. No, I don't agree with you or most of the posters here. Take it for what it is, the contrary opinion of another *very* experienced lifter.
If you all used test as a base then you must have been lifting in an untested federation or were more than 6 months out from a meet. (Or none of you knew what the hell you were doing.) I'm tested regularly and so are most of the people I train with. Using test E or C would be a quick way to get my ass banned. If you had to compete in tested meets every 4 months you wouldn't touch test with a ten foot pole, "king" or not.
Dbol causes minimal size gains at the doses I mention (use vs. abuse) while still allowing steady strength gains. To get comparable gains out of Test, you'd need to jack the doses way up and it would never clear in time to allow a lifter to keep those gains by contest time. Again, orals are superior in this situation as countless Olympians found out before me. So what if the research was done 40 years ago? Can anyone you know lift what the Soviets were pulling off in the 70's? Anyone here clean and jerking 500+? Anyone here bench more than Jim Williams did back in 75? No? That's what 0.5mg/kg a day of dbol gets you if you're smart about it - world records.
Keep in mind who you're talking to. 800/540/800 single ply at 6' and 275. I highly doubt that any of you are at that level, regardless of what you jab in your ass. It took me 25mg of dbol a day to get here. The same "magic 25" cycle as used by John Kuc, Jim Willaims, Don Cundy, and Ken Patera. I've been doing the same cycling for years and never used any other compounds. Never needed to "up" the dose or change anything. I let the medicine work like it's supposed to. It's cheap, easy, safe and effective. No needles or abscesses in my ass. My health is fine and my liver tests are the same as when I began. I don't get why anyone in their right mind would jab a gram or more of test a week to get where I did when they can use a fraction of that and get the same results.
No wonder dbol has such a bad rap when people actually believe the goofy shit they read like ""X" Lifter used to eat dbol sprinkled over his cereal in the morning." Then the dumb fuck, all 170lbs of him, takes 100mg a day and wonders why he has problems. No shit, Sherlock. That's four times the dose for a 250lb guy. Fuck, Ben Johnson broke is first world record in Rome using 5mg of dbol a DAY and he was stronger than most guys giving their opinions on teh message boardz.
Dbol's not the devil when used alone. It's still an awesome substance, just like it was designed to be. There, I said it. Argue all you want. Deny it all you want. Alexeev and I beg to differ.
if those are your lifts then im impressed. i DOES bother me that your using and lifting in a tested division . apf does not test.
as far as your argument against test , prop or suspension could be used it you were trying to beat a test.
if those are your lifts then im impressed. i DOES bother me that your using and lifting in a tested division . apf does not test.
as far as your argument against test , prop or suspension could be used it you were trying to beat a test.
I agree with you on this one. I was speaking broadly about cypionate and enanthate, but I do know people who go on suspension as a bridge to competition after getting off the orals. No idea how that works as I've never tried it myself. I would think that having to inject that often would be a major pain in the ass (literally).
You know how it goes, the IPF is "drug tested" not "drug free". Sucks, but it's the nature of the beast.
Interesting how someone would actually try to bring up some old shit and say that its better than what we know 50 years later because he has a Masters Degree in Physcology.
the US came out with dbol because the germans on test were kicking our ass . if you call m e insane one more time you are BANNED do you understand smart ass.
this is old STUPID shit. we know better.
you know at one pont we (doc's) gave out cocain for nose bleeds long ago, well we know better now dont we?
DBOL WILL have more side effects . and its liver toxic and MUCH MUCH harsher on your blood then ant teste/ cyp cycle.
your in lala land dude. but beleave whats you want.
Tarbosh What we are telling you is we've been using Dbol and Test for most of if not your whole life. Is great for strength. Methyl test has only been in product for the last 6 years. Dbol is very cheap people do fake it. THere is not need to try to pass off methyl test as dbol. The cost is half of the methyl test per Kilo. Your just wrong about what you believe. THere is a reson why the staff members are on staff. It's experience both clinical and practical.
5x10 you can keep gain from all steroids even Dbol but you need to know how to do it and you have to really be on your game. Diet training and sleep. post cycle therapy (pct) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or IGF-1 are must.
The problem is 80% of you guys aren't ready to use steroids. You body's aren't in the right shape to maximize growth. Most of you have only been training for 2 years witch isn't long enough to really know what you doing. Less then 5 % of you know anything about eating to grow.
We are here to help keep you safe and to help you learn why things work the way they do. We don't have a problem with apposing views. We do have a problem with bad science and theory based on old outdated science.