dianabol dosage and timing


New member
want to take 40 mg a day but I only have 10 mg tablets .Take all 4 before training or say 2 in morn then 2 before train?thx for any help .I read a lot about the dosages but cant figure out the best way
so you two weren't going to ask his stats? ask if hes only taking dbol?

what if hes some 17 year old kid who has no idea what he is doing?? (no offense op, this isn't about you)

guys, if youre going to give advice, make sure youre giving sound advice.

thats what this forum is for
so you two weren't going to ask his stats? ask if hes only taking dbol?

what if hes some 17 year old kid who has no idea what he is doing?? (no offense op, this isn't about you)

guys, if youre going to give advice, make sure youre giving sound advice.

thats what this forum is for

I honestly just didnt think about it, I usually do though.

Reading it again, specially this part:
"I read a lot about the dosages but cant figure out the best way"

Chances are he's only taking dbol, is too young and generally has no idea what he's doing.

OP, can you please read the beginner cycle. Thanks.
Yes stats would be good to have before giving out any advice. Hope op can get back to us!
And gone.

You're too young to gamble with your hormones and oral only cycles are especially bad. You're likely young enough that your body is primed for maximum growth. Us old guys are past our max growth days and that is part of the reason we cycle.

Eat and lift. Learn to do those two things properly and you will make great gains.

Best wishes bro
not young and not runnin only orals thx

Not young??? that is no way to tell us your stats. You have been asked for stats, your age, weight, height, bf%.
why cop an attitude and tell us your not young and not running orals only?? the hell.
not young and not runnin only orals thx

Come on brotherman. You came here to get advice and lots of experts have told you what to do and asked you questions.
You saying your not young and not running orals does not tell us a thing.
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I apologize
48 yrs old 5'11 200 lbs
500 mg test cyp a week/250 mg mon-250 mg thursday
50 mg tren eod
40 mg dbol daily
1mg arimadex eod
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People will give you better advice if ya give more info. All we know about you is that you want to take 40mg of dbol per day. Everyone will logically assume that is all you're taking, because standard procedure is to list all compounds (cycle) you are currently on. Dbol only questions coupled with extremely long delay in replies led me to believe you are young. Most people who want an answer check back regularly to see if they got it and answer questions to make the advice as accurate as possible. Sorry if I pissed you off......I was giving advice based on the info I was given.
Dbol has a short half live, something like 8 hours or so. Best thing would be to split up every 6 hours x 10mg, but that might not be practical with sleep, etc.

And, that's a lot of adex. Rule of thumb for 500 Test c and 280 mg/wk dbol would be 0.45 mg EOD (round up to 0.5 mg). Do you have experience with needing to go higher on the adex dosage?