Dianabol Help???


New member
I thinking about trying a cycle of Danabol. I have never done any type of steroid but I was advised that Dianabol is where most people start. I was wondering if anyone knows if their are any good websites out there that will ship overseas.
Nope dianabol is not where most people start, testosterone is most peoples first cycle and they might stack dbol with it. there are some good website about but there are also a lot of scamming websites and your not allowed to ask for sources on the open board.
Stop! Before you do anything I am just gona take a guess and say you probably have a little more researching to do, among other things before even thinking about gear. Not trying to be an ass but going off of this thread, you don't sound like your ready.

Dbol is definitely not a good first cycle, its not a good cycle anytime used alone! An oral only cycle of just about anything is not the way to go!

Please post you stats, goals, and experience. Let us go from there!