Dianabol test cycle 25/600mg


New member
Im on my second week of my stest-e and dibol cycle. My blood pressure is at 143/86 when is it dangerous?
Any suggestions?
Running it along with an AI adex@ .25 oed.
Week 2 went from 197 to 208
This is my second cycle as well. First cycle was 25/400mg
Welcome to the boards! Seen worst blood pressures, drink more water. The pros around here will gladly help you out with this. Keep us posted.
up the Adex to .5 eod or e3d whilst on dbol.

How long are you running the dbol?

If there's time, Add, add Cialis @ 5-10mg/day and l-arginine @ 4g per day. Take both pre workout for awesome pumps and lower blood pressure.

Your BP is a little elevated, but nothing to worry about too much. The bottom number is more critical and you're barely over the healthy 80 mark. Keep an eye on it.
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up the Adex to .5 eod or e3d whilst on dbol.

How long are you running the dbol?

If there's time, Add, add Cialis @ 5-10mg/day and l-arginine @ 4g per day. Take both pre workout for awesome pumps and lower blood pressure.

Your BP is a little elevated, but nothing to worry about too much. The bottom number is more critical and you're barely over the healthy 80 mark. Keep an eye on it.

I have two more weeks on dbol. I checked it again after work and got two readings one at 136/85 and 126/79..... Ill try the cialis i have some on stock.
up the Adex to .5 eod or e3d whilst on dbol.

How long are you running the dbol?

If there's time, Add, add Cialis @ 5-10mg/day and l-arginine @ 4g per day. Take both pre workout for awesome pumps and lower blood pressure.

Your BP is a little elevated, but nothing to worry about too much. The bottom number is more critical and you're barely over the healthy 80 mark. Keep an eye on it.

Will the blood pressure be lower once the dbol is discontinued and only test-e is being ran??
Relax mi amigo.

Ur blood pressure given ur taking dbol that aromatizes u into what is basically a pregnant woman even with an ai , is fine. Yes your body b/p will return to homeostasis (normal) after cessation of the dbol ingestion. The ai will keep the water from test e in check. To lose water u got to drink more....water too.

My blood pressure is easily over that every time I go into Wal - Mart.

Claro ?
Relax mi amigo.

Ur blood pressure given ur taking dbol that aromatizes u into what is basically a pregnant woman even with an ai , is fine. Yes your body b/p will return to homeostasis (normal) after cessation of the dbol ingestion. The ai will keep the water from test e in check. To lose water u got to drink more....water too.

My blood pressure is easily over that every time I go into Wal - Mart.

Claro ?

Ok. Yeah currently im drinking a gallon of water a day, Milk thisel, and another liver support supplement. Not taking anything else for blood pressure besides the adex.