Dick Bigger???

crazymike said:
OKAY, you got me.

I really want you!! Do you want me!!???:gay:

See, now don't you feel better that you finally came to terms with your homesexuality? It's got to be a great relief. All those years of pretending to be something you're not. It must have been mental torture but now that you're finally out of the closet you can go on with the business of living life the way you've always wanted to. I charge $200 an hour but for you there's no charge. :)
I think your Eyes shunk . I've been on HGH for 16 months and I have'nt seen it grow. I can't say I did'nt hope that it would but no such luck.
I am going too keep a thuro mesurment chart as soon as i start my next cycle if you dudes would like too see. I have noticed some size involved in previous cycles also