Did Anavar work well for you


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Did Anavar work well for you? Was it a great for cutting away body fat and developing lean muscle+six pack abs?
My first goal is cutting body fat while gradually muscle. Anavar is my top choice for my current goals unless someone has better recommendations based on their own success.
the var i tried was crap. 125mg/day.
if they all work this way, i doubt I will waste that much money again
Its a really weak amount of gains not noticeable at 60mg/day for me...waste of money and I was running with test E...better value in test and wont crush your liver
^^^ agreed Var is not cheap but if got the $ go for it I used it at the end of my last cycle and bam I got my abs back and they were hard as shit.
Lol I love the responses. Var is nice if you can afford enough of it and only if you run with test. If you don't your not going to see great gains you'll see a little strength but that's it also it'll shut you down. Like all the responses if your too scared to inject your not ready this is big boy shit. Keep reading and eventually you'll not want to take an oral only. Good luck dude don't fuck yourself but I think iliftforme was right they're next to the tampons of you go ahead and do var only cycle
your not ready this is big boy shit. Keep reading and eventually you'll not want to take an oral only. Good luck dude don't fuck yourself but I think iliftforme was right they're next to the tampons of you go ahead and do var only cycle

love it. Haha
Did Anavar work well for you? Was it a great for cutting away body fat and developing lean muscle+six pack abs?

if you REALLY want to know read this thread.


despite internet folk lore any steroid that is strong enough to create lean mass will inhibit or stop your natural production of test , women do well on anavar because they dont have the same hormonal system as men, they have very low test levels compared to men , they dont need post cycle therapy (pct) and anavar has very low side effects on women . anavars claim to fame for CUTTING is sort of true , it has shown in studies to help cut ONE type of fat but then again there are studies where men were placed on testosterone replacement therapy and lost fat as well.
the vast maqjority of "good"reviews by men on the internet for var only were done by newbiews with a needle phobia , DONT be that guy.

DONT be that guy.
Var is COMPLETELY pointless without test. That being said, it does have it's place in certain cycles. test/tren/mast/var is an awesome cycle...for me, the best part about var is the strength gain. My biggest lifts have come while on tren/var.

^^agree with above though, good var is hard to find and even if you do find it, it's very expensive.
I agree that var should be used with test. I did a few var/test/eq cycles in the past. I was getting it super cheap. I wouldn't buy it at the prices ive seen lately. Totally not worth it.
I'm a newbie with stacking so I have a learning curve. The tren/var looks like a good oral combination.

One question relating to the testosterone addition. I've been dht gel which was good but expensive. That is what sparked my interest in cycling. Should I go with test e injections or my source for dihydrotestosterone gel?
Inject the test e. Firstly, its test and not dht. Secondly, unless you bathe in gel, and it was free, its a pretty bad idea trying to use gel for a cycle
Great info. It's been a help. I've decided on Thade's cycle.

I read the standard PCT thread. For a cycle of Anavar (var) /Tren/test e the full PCT of SERM, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be needed because I think it falls under heavy cycle. Can a first-timer skip the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with no problems?

It will take about 6-10 weeks to save for everything (full cycle, complete post cycle therapy (pct), supplies). If I were to do Anavar (var) solo while saving would I need a a light PCT?
Don't run multiple compounds on your first cycle and don't run tren. IF you have a problem you never know what is the cause. Tren is very rough on the kidneys. Eating enough while on tren and drinking enough water is not easy. Tren is not for a first timer.

When you get the test flu your going to loose 10 pounds. What you did know your were going to get the flu before your body was going to respond to the test? Ver Anavar (var) for those with a vigina.