Did Anavar work well for you

2 runs with Anavar (var), and I'm not a satisfied user.. The added value was less than expected..
If I ll try it for the 3rd time I ll go for the human grade quality..if I can afford it
But I guess, never again ...
Some people say that results from tbol are similar to Anavar (var), only better and cheaper.. But I ve never tried it myself.. Dunno If that's true or not
Hey Guys,

Going to run an oxandrolone (anavar) only cycle this summer (first cylce every) and wanted to just get some advices. I am looking to drop my bf% and add about 5-10lbs of muscle whilst staying dry and hard.

My Stats are-

22 years old
16% BF
Training for 4 years natty

I need some adivse as to how much i run and how long? If i need any post cycle therapy (pct)? Natural Test when running var? Noticebale side effects?

Would really appreciate some proper adivce. Cheers