Did Anavar work well for you

Thanks brothers, Im a work in progress..need to get the abs dialed in though, Im doing cardio 3 to 4 times a week and hitting the abs the same, should I increase. This cycle has my appetite going crazy....Im always hungry like 10 minutes after I eat..Should I consider increasing Anavar (var) like the last 4-6 weeks? Im only in week 3 of a 12 week run. Will that help cutting my abs a bit ?
Thanks brothers, Im a work in progress..need to get the abs dialed in though, Im doing cardio 3 to 4 times a week and hitting the abs the same, should I increase. This cycle has my appetite going crazy....Im always hungry like 10 minutes after I eat..Should I consider increasing Anavar (var) like the last 4-6 weeks? Im only in week 3 of a 12 week run. Will that help cutting my abs a bit ?

You could try 75mg ED, but I doubt that will bring out your abs per se. It's more about total body fat percentage that matters for abs. I would look at your diet a bit and see if you can afford to cut some more calories without going catabolic.
Will do Halfwit! I guess I can cut a few out of my 1200 cal morning shake! Damn but it taste so good!
You could try 75mg ED, but I doubt that will bring out your abs per se. It's more about total body fat percentage that matters for abs. I would look at your diet a bit and see if you can afford to cut some more calories without going catabolic.
Will do Halfwit! I guess I can cut a few out of my 1200 cal morning shake! Damn but it taste so good!
Yeah, when I go to cut here soon, that's probably going to be the first thing I have to get rid of. :( Almond milk/Frozen blueberries/Whey/Cherries/Banana/Oats/Casein/and greek yogurt is SO damn tasty, but puts on the calories quick!
I'm 6'3 204 21 years old. Have been working out for 3.5 years and once weighed 325 lbs. I'm now 8% bf but am considering doing a comp next year. I workout 6 days a week and do light to moderate cardio 5 of those days. Average cal intake is 2800-4000 a day. Am considering running my first cycle ( first cycle ever of anything)of anavar to tighten up and gain maybe 5- 10 lbs. I also have*clomids for post cycle therapy (pct). Is this a good go for my goals? I hear most of u saying its pussy shit but all I need is a boost enhancer. Been on a plateau for about 6 months. My diet is in check I take in minimal carbs. I take protein, glutamin, multi vipaks, and thermogenics but it seems my body has reached its limits naturally. Would taking a cycle of var help me push this plateau?
So your telling me fighters don't mind being shut down and having low T in an mma fight???
Again, hope this helps.

A fighter's gonna fight. It's that simple.

Testosterone doesn't help real fighter win fights, bro. 18yrs of my life I didn't even work a job, because I fought/taught NHB & MMA for a living.

Think about this...
Skill, stamina, cardio, speed and strength don't disappear just because T-levels drop.
Cut off George "Rush" St.Pierre's testicles with a sharp knife... wait for him to heal -
Generally when I get into a cage and fight, I don't get any more "aggro" or "angry" than I do when I'm getting a blowjob. Than again... I guess 18yrs, 35 amateur fights and 22 pro fights will do that to you.
More MMA fighters take Winstrol (winny), clen & Anavar (var) than you might want to accept. (I'm talking from experience and about UFC fighters here, just an FYI)
You take what's gonna get then win and allow you to pass the post fight drug screening, not what's going to get you the win and then get you banned for 2 years on steroid violations.
Again - A fighter's gonna fight. It's that simple.
Take away my T-levels and I'm still going to come at you with inhumanly levels of intensity... I promise.
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i was planning to add anavar at the last 5 weeks of my test e - boldenone cycle.....whats your opinion will it work?
i am already low in bf% around 5-6%...
A fighter's gonna fight. It's that simple.

Testosterone doesn't help real fighter win fights, bro. 18yrs of my life I didn't even work a job, because I fought/taught NHB & MMA for a living.

Think about this...
Skill, stamina, cardio, speed and strength don't disappear just because T-levels drop.
Cut off George "Rush" St.Pierre's testicles with a sharp knife... wait for him to heal -
Generally when I get into a cage and fight, I don't get any more "aggro" or "angry" than I do when I'm getting a blowjob. Than again... I guess 18yrs, 35 amateur fights and 22 pro fights will do that to you.
More MMA fighters take Winstrol (winny), clen & Var than you might want to accept. (I'm talking from experience and about UFC fighters here, just an FYI)
You take what's gonna get then win and allow you to pass the post fight drug screening, not what's going to get you the win and then get you banned for 2 years on steroid violations.
Again - A fighter's gonna fight. It's that simple.
Take away my T-levels and I'm still going to come at you with inhumanly levels of intensity... I promise.

I dont think this guy's posts are getting enough run time lol. If it's true that youre a pro fighter, this 'confession' of drug use by MMA athletes is pretty crazy. I mean, I knew they were on some shit, but I didnt know what and how pevalent it was in the sport.

Are you telling me GSP is loaded up on Winstrol (winny)? Lol
i was planning to add anavar at the last 5 weeks of my test e - boldenone cycle.....whats your opinion will it work?
i am already low in bf% around 5-6%...
i was planning to run anavar for 4 weeks 40 mg per ED...WHAT DO YOU THINK???
I have not used VAR in past and i do not know what to expect....
i was planning to run anavar for 4 weeks 40 mg per ED...WHAT DO YOU THINK???
I have not used VAR in past and i do not know what to expect....

you need more than 40 mg, but i recently tried var for my first time...it was legit and good. I started at 50 mg to try it out everyones bodys different after about 2 weeks the pumps were nice and vascularity was pretty nice and i dropped some water, yet i bumped it to 70 and SHA POW lean and full prince of aesthetics :wiggle: haha not to toot my own horn toot
you need more than 40 mg, but i recently tried var for my first time...it was legit and good. I started at 50 mg to try it out everyones bodys different after about 2 weeks the pumps were nice and vascularity was pretty nice and i dropped some water, yet i bumped it to 70 and SHA POW lean and full prince of aesthetics :wiggle: haha not to toot my own horn toot

i chose to run var at low doses of 40mg ed cause i am 66kgs with 5-6% bf...so i suppose that these doses are the correct for my stats......what do you think?
Hi, im new on here..but i was wondering what official site would be the best to buy anavar at a decent price?