Did I mess up my growth? *Did AAS at young age*


New member
Yes, even before I explain what I did...I understand I was stupid for doing it. I have already read an uncountable amount of posts about young people doing cycles, and 99% the time its experienced people just calling the person an idiot then giving actual beneficial criticism. Which I understand I'm an idiot, but that's not why I'm posting!

SO...I have recently turned 19. Have been lifting seriously 4-6/w ever since I joined provincial rugby in the ninth grade, and my diet has been very clean and good. I had read and studied tons on resistance training, nutrition, and ...steroids. I had been going to a gym with many older people who were on AAS. When I turned 18 an older friend of mine convinced me to run VAR at 40mg ED @4 weeks...and ran proper pct. It was awesome, made very good strength gains and kept it all. 6 months after that, I missed it. I did it again, this time at 60mg ED @5.5 weeks. Same story, awesome strength gains and ran pct. Overall, I still go to the gym, eat good and am making gains, slowly but surely. I have no side affects(SO FAR) from what I did in the past. It has been 6 months since my last cycle of VAR and I feel great.

I was going to do a test prop and winny cycle and.... then I realized how f*n stupid that would be. I still have an urge to do it but I am going to hold off until I am older/more experienced...or maybe I will lose the interest in it, who knows. And now I keep finding articles on how AAS can stunt growth if taken early.

My question is, with the VAR CYCLES I did listed above, is it likely that I have fucked up my growth? Or does this more often refer to more serious AAS cycles like the one I was going to try. I was informed that VAR is completely still able to shut you down (I never felt I was, I just ran pct to be safe) but it isn't as stronger as others. Should I see a doctor, or do I just get my mind off it and stick to training and eating good. Just overly worried about it.

Thank you, I am completely open minded here and If I sound ignorant, I do not mean too.
Yes, Var will shut down your HPTA - meaning hypogonadal testosterone levels. And your physical growth very well could have been affected. Your brain/endocrine system development was likely affected as well.

You should run blood work to make sure you recovered OK. See my signature below. And read the Ology FAQs sticky thread which has more info for you on running cycles at an early age. It also covers why males should not run oral-only cycles.

I am assuming you are a male. Please disregard the above if you are female. That is a different conversation.
Hey man more then likely u did. I ran a cycle at 18, keep in mind i was always taller then everyone. I have size 11 shoes. Long arms. Etc. My brothers are all 5'10-6'2 my dad is 6'5 mom is 5'8 lol. I ended up being 5'7. And keep in my i have friends that are 6'1 and i have almost the same arm legnth as them. But im short AF lol but u know what i dont take it back. Yes it was a mistake i was always at the highest on the percentile charts and doc expected me to hit atleast 5'10 but hey it is what it is i weigh in at 230lbs at my height and am doing very well in BB so im happy

But i hate suggesting anything to young kids but if it really bothers u get a docs advixe and then guy buy hgh and run that. Obviously u wont be able to afford it from a doc but get black market. I ran hgh when i was 19 ran it for 8 months and was actually able to squeeze another inch out of my height. I dont saying 100% it help bcz i wasstretching and my intentions were to lean out but if ur plates are still open try to grab some might bwnefit u alot
I don't think the answer is to take more drugs.

Get bloods done to check everything out and for peace of mind. Then continue to train hard and eat well.
Your older friend is completely misinformed if he convinced you to run Var by itself without Testosterone. You shouldn't have been doing either, but if you were going to take that leap, which is a very bad idea, you should have been using Tesosterone with it. Only women should run a var only cycle (at very low doses).

As far as stunting your growth. Most men are done growing by 18. If you were done, you didn't effect your growth. If you weren't, you may have for that period. As Megatron said get blood tests to make sure your levels of Test, E2 (Estradiol Sensitive Test), LH, and FSH are back to normal.
Yes, Var will shut down your HPTA - meaning hypogonadal testosterone levels. And your physical growth very well could have been affected. Your brain/endocrine system development was likely affected as well.

You should run blood work to make sure you recovered OK. See my signature below. And read the Ology FAQs sticky thread which has more info for you on running cycles at an early age. It also covers why males should not run oral-only cycles.

I am assuming you are a male. Please disregard the above if you are female. That is a different conversation.

Correct me if I'm wrong Mega, but aren't the growth plates generally sealed by elevated estradiol?

He certainly shut down, and damaged the HPTA.. but would Var actually seal the plates?
Correct me if I'm wrong Mega, but aren't the growth plates generally sealed by elevated estradiol?

He certainly shut down, and damaged the HPTA.. but would Var actually seal the plates?

I am not certain but I would suspect the androgen/estrogen imbalance say var would cause might very well illicit the same effect. I could be wrong but I could also see that being the case. My thought is if he is this concerned he should see a Dr.
I know for a fact that even low dose steroid use (sust 250) can stunt growth pretty effectively since it was used for this very purpose many years ago but length of use is equally as important as the dose itself.

The conversion to estrogen certainly plays a big role in stunting growth:
The role of estrogen in pubertal skeletal physiology: epiphyseal maturation and mineralization of the skeleton. - PubMed - NCBI

The study isn't available to the public but this is a quote from a paper about this study:
"It is generally agreed that the steroid hormone effects on bone maturation are due to an indirect action mediated by the GH/IGF-I axis combined with a direct effect at tissue level after the meta-bolic conversion into estrogens."

Although there is scientific consensus that this is the main cause, it is worth bearing in mind that the argument is still only theoretical - nothing that I'm aware of has conclusively proven this to be the case.
I know for a fact that even low dose steroid use (sust 250) can stunt growth pretty effectively since it was used for this very purpose many years ago but length of use is equally as important as the dose itself.

The conversion to estrogen certainly plays a big role in stunting growth:
The role of estrogen in pubertal skeletal physiology: epiphyseal maturation and mineralization of the skeleton. - PubMed - NCBI

The study isn't available to the public but this is a quote from a paper about this study:
"It is generally agreed that the steroid hormone effects on bone maturation are due to an indirect action mediated by the GH/IGF-I axis combined with a direct effect at tissue level after the meta-bolic conversion into estrogens."

Although there is scientific consensus that this is the main cause, it is worth bearing in mind that the argument is still only theoretical - nothing that I'm aware of has conclusively proven this to be the case.

Your a legend mate ;)
I know for a fact that even low dose steroid use (sust 250) can stunt growth pretty effectively since it was used for this very purpose many years ago but length of use is equally as important as the dose itself.

The conversion to estrogen certainly plays a big role in stunting growth:
The role of estrogen in pubertal skeletal physiology: epiphyseal maturation and mineralization of the skeleton. - PubMed - NCBI

The study isn't available to the public but this is a quote from a paper about this study:
"It is generally agreed that the steroid hormone effects on bone maturation are due to an indirect action mediated by the GH/IGF-I axis combined with a direct effect at tissue level after the meta-bolic conversion into estrogens."

Although there is scientific consensus that this is the main cause, it is worth bearing in mind that the argument is still only theoretical - nothing that I'm aware of has conclusively proven this to be the case.

We need more of this!!
Correct me if I'm wrong Mega, but aren't the growth plates generally sealed by elevated estradiol?

He certainly shut down, and damaged the HPTA.. but would Var actually seal the plates?

Exactly what i was gunna say, but IF the var WASNT faked with another aas, he might have not fused his growth plates... However, clomid works by only blocking the estrogen receptors and doesnt actually kill it, so once he stopped taking the clomid and nolva, wouldnt the estro still be at elevated levels for a bit? Do u think: 100mg of clomid the first week, 50mg the next three weeks, and nolva for all four weeks build up enough test to convert to estro levels high enough to fuse plates?
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