Yes, even before I explain what I did...I understand I was stupid for doing it. I have already read an uncountable amount of posts about young people doing cycles, and 99% the time its experienced people just calling the person an idiot then giving actual beneficial criticism. Which I understand I'm an idiot, but that's not why I'm posting!
SO...I have recently turned 19. Have been lifting seriously 4-6/w ever since I joined provincial rugby in the ninth grade, and my diet has been very clean and good. I had read and studied tons on resistance training, nutrition, and ...steroids. I had been going to a gym with many older people who were on AAS. When I turned 18 an older friend of mine convinced me to run VAR at 40mg ED @4 weeks...and ran proper pct. It was awesome, made very good strength gains and kept it all. 6 months after that, I missed it. I did it again, this time at 60mg ED @5.5 weeks. Same story, awesome strength gains and ran pct. Overall, I still go to the gym, eat good and am making gains, slowly but surely. I have no side affects(SO FAR) from what I did in the past. It has been 6 months since my last cycle of VAR and I feel great.
I was going to do a test prop and winny cycle and.... then I realized how f*n stupid that would be. I still have an urge to do it but I am going to hold off until I am older/more experienced...or maybe I will lose the interest in it, who knows. And now I keep finding articles on how AAS can stunt growth if taken early.
My question is, with the VAR CYCLES I did listed above, is it likely that I have fucked up my growth? Or does this more often refer to more serious AAS cycles like the one I was going to try. I was informed that VAR is completely still able to shut you down (I never felt I was, I just ran pct to be safe) but it isn't as stronger as others. Should I see a doctor, or do I just get my mind off it and stick to training and eating good. Just overly worried about it.
Thank you, I am completely open minded here and If I sound ignorant, I do not mean too.
SO...I have recently turned 19. Have been lifting seriously 4-6/w ever since I joined provincial rugby in the ninth grade, and my diet has been very clean and good. I had read and studied tons on resistance training, nutrition, and ...steroids. I had been going to a gym with many older people who were on AAS. When I turned 18 an older friend of mine convinced me to run VAR at 40mg ED @4 weeks...and ran proper pct. It was awesome, made very good strength gains and kept it all. 6 months after that, I missed it. I did it again, this time at 60mg ED @5.5 weeks. Same story, awesome strength gains and ran pct. Overall, I still go to the gym, eat good and am making gains, slowly but surely. I have no side affects(SO FAR) from what I did in the past. It has been 6 months since my last cycle of VAR and I feel great.
I was going to do a test prop and winny cycle and.... then I realized how f*n stupid that would be. I still have an urge to do it but I am going to hold off until I am older/more experienced...or maybe I will lose the interest in it, who knows. And now I keep finding articles on how AAS can stunt growth if taken early.
My question is, with the VAR CYCLES I did listed above, is it likely that I have fucked up my growth? Or does this more often refer to more serious AAS cycles like the one I was going to try. I was informed that VAR is completely still able to shut you down (I never felt I was, I just ran pct to be safe) but it isn't as stronger as others. Should I see a doctor, or do I just get my mind off it and stick to training and eating good. Just overly worried about it.
Thank you, I am completely open minded here and If I sound ignorant, I do not mean too.