did i screw up my syno???


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first i added them to the whole bottle of heet and kept shaking it every so often an let it sit for an hour.

i filtered it through a double coffe filter

then i added the estrogen solibizer and let that sit for an hour.

i then poured 500ml of distilled water into the solution and let it sit for like 15-20 min

the next step was to filter with a painters cap but i just filtered with like 5 coffe filters at once since i coudlnt get one cause it was too late at night. the liqid was pretty clear.

i added more water to make sure to get every thing outa the filter that was suppost to get through

then i put it in the oven for like 1-1/2 hours at like alomost 200 degrees, not sure if my oven is accurate thou. any way it was still a lot of liquid and i had to go to bed so i let it all sit till i was done with classes the next day.

so several hours later i switched it to a large pan so it would be spread out and put it back in hte oven. now its almost all powder, but i took it out of the oven cause i have class and hopefully it will be tottaly dry when i come home.

i plan on weighing it on a digital scale and then finishing it.

did i screw it up, i didnt put the water in slowly to make crystals cause i forgot.

also one other thing, my friend made a mess of his and he then filtered it through a painters cap the next day after it had already been sitting out all night, is this a problem? thanks
i did the same thing. i never was able to use it. if you figure it out, please post what you did to fix it.
It sounds like you fucked it up. It stayed clear until you baked it? This would mean that the baking just caused all the H20 to evoporate leaving everything behind that wasnt H20. If you had made crystals, then washed them youd be eliminating everything BUT the test prop.

Im no syno expert but from what you have there it doesnt sound too good.
After you add the estrogen solublizer, and then the water, the test should precipitate out of the solution.

When you filter the solution, what is caught in the filter is your test, and the liquid that runs through, gets discarded.
im confused, i thought the shit in the filter was garbage?

also douge fresh, it wasnt totallt clear before i baked it, their were like flakes floating on the top. then when i left it in the oven it turned to powder after a long time. so now i have the powder.

so mr t your saying i threw out the good part?
lol, you threw your test out! go get it! That shit floating around was probably some test that didnt get filterd
simpllyhuge said:
im confused, i thought the shit in the filter was garbage?

also douge fresh, it wasnt totallt clear before i baked it, their were like flakes floating on the top. then when i left it in the oven it turned to powder after a long time. so now i have the powder.

so mr t your saying i threw out the good part?

After the estrogen becomes water soluble, it goes through the filter with the rest of the liquid, the test gets collected in the filter. You rinse the test with more clean water to make sure all the estrogen gets washed away. Then you put the filter full of test on a clean plate, and let it air dry for a couple of days.
The liquid contains the estradiol.......which is what you have.
The instructions i got said that after you have the filter with the test in it.. you should put it in the oven at 165 degrees for two hours.. but you said to let it air dry.. do you think that the heat will affect the composition.. because i would just rather let it air dry.
me and bigger is better were making it together. the insructions were kinda unclear in the important parts and overly detailed in the obvious parts. but any way i did mess up the first batch but i just made some and now its sitting in my painters cap and its clumpy, should i throw it in the oven.
biggerisbetter said:
The instructions i got said that after you have the filter with the test in it.. you should put it in the oven at 165 degrees for two hours.. but you said to let it air dry.. do you think that the heat will affect the composition.. because i would just rather let it air dry.

I have seen quite a few guys attempt to dry it out in the oven, and thier oven temp was off by quite a bit. They end up with the powder melting into the filter, and end up with a big mess.
I just prefer to let it air dry........put it on a plate, and as it dries, break up the clumps. It will be completely dry in a couple days.
i made it and shot 200mg. it had been like around 2 days not, i think it feels preety good so far, but i need a few more days.

how pure do you think it comes out and how much estogen you think comes out if you make it right.