Didn't leave enough gear for the last pin.


New member
Hi guys, I'm at the end of my cycle of Test e, did 600 mg EW (300mg twice a week for 10 weeks) and I just had my last jab a few minutes ago. I guess I must have over drawn from my vial over the past few weeks because I only had 0.7ml left instead of the usual 1ml. Is that gonna be a problem? I heard that it's a big no no to taper down, so not having enough for a full dose for my last shot is kind of a concern. The ester is still going to last for two weeks though regardless of how much you inject, right? So I should stick to starting my post cycle therapy (pct) two weeks from today, yeah?

Also, I've been taking 1/3 mg of adex throughout, when should I start tapering down from it so it doesn't cause an estrogen rebound? Thanks fellas.
if you were drawing to exactly 1ml every time, that doesn't include what was in the needle. over time yes this could have added up and left you with .7ml however it's not going to affect you at all. what would be the difference between last pin being your last one and not injecting shit today, or just injecting .7ml today? yes wait your two weeks and post cycle therapy (pct) as normal
Might should have went with 500mg/wk for 12 weeks.....but thats history now , and unless you can cop some more so is your cycle . Quit the adex , wait a few weeks and start your post cycle therapy (pct) . Next time make sure to have some reserve on hand . Live & learn . ~Bo
My gear came in 300mg/ml so it was just easier for me to do it that way, I actually pinned 300 mg every 4 days so it was more like 11 and a half weeks (and if my math is correct that works out to be around 525mg per week).

So I should just stop taking my adex? I thought I should take it throughout my cycle and taper down during my PCT?
You're completely fine man.. .03 ml will make a shit's bit of difference.. Start your post cycle therapy (pct) like you normally would and stop the Adex