Didnt use aromasin during cycle should i use it in pct?


New member
I did a cycle Test e 500mg/week for 12 weeks

I used 12.5mg of aromasin eod since the beginning of my cycle but i lowered the dose from time to time and the last 5 weeks of my cycle i didnt take any! and i had no sides! actually my gaines and strenght grew most during these weeks i stopped aromasin! I have heard that many people dont need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i quess i am one of them....

Its now almost 2 weeks after my cycle and i am starting clomid and nolva cycle but my question is that do i need to take Aromasin during pct? or not....

Thank you!
Blood work bro. See if you're E2 is high and use the aromasin accordingly. If your estro is in check than just hold onto it until your next cycle.
How would it be a waste in post cycle therapy (pct)? And you don't have to have sides to have high estro, you likely added some water weight those last weeks because an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) doesn't slow or prevent gains unless estrogen is just to low.

I rarely need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but it's good to still run a very low dose at least. 6.25 every couple days should be plenty for you but I'd like to see some labs first.

An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is good in post cycle therapy (pct) to help maintain the balance of test to estro.
I would def run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct), just like User suggested--> even at a low dose. During your cycle your test is high so your estro can be toward the higher end to balance out the ratio, BUT during post cycle therapy (pct) your test is abnormally low so that relatively higher estro that wasn't a problem on cycle can become a problem during post cycle therapy (pct)....

The only time I wouldn't run an AI/ or lower the dose (on cycle or during post cycle therapy (pct)) is if my libido crashed and the most likely culprit was low estro...BTW I only use aromasin as my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so the chances of crashing estro are fairly unlikely-> like unless you're doses 25mg/day off cycle
I would def run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct), just like User suggested--> even at a low dose. During your cycle your test is high so your estro can be toward the higher end to balance out the ratio, BUT during post cycle therapy (pct) your test is abnormally low so that relatively higher estro that wasn't a problem on cycle can become a problem during post cycle therapy (pct)....

The only time I wouldn't run an AI/ or lower the dose (on cycle or during post cycle therapy (pct)) is if my libido crashed and the most likely culprit was low estro...BTW I only use aromasin as my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so the chances of crashing estro are fairly unlikely-> like unless you're doses 25mg/day off cycle

that's what the serm is for! selective estrogen receptor modulator! you do not need to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct). yes your estro will shoot up after coming off cycle, that's where the serm comes in, it keeps it from binding with the receptors. running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct) will completely shut your estro down. not a good thing. we need some estrogen. you ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, just no the whole time, and even if you didn't that does not mean you need to run it during post cycle therapy (pct).
never run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on a Test Only Cycle, only when i stack i run an AI
Just have Nolvadex on hand if shit gets alittle itchy, then i take 10mg daily till it clears
never had any probs that way either, but to each there own on running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or NOT!
just follow up with your post cycle therapy (pct) and leave the aromasin alone during post cycle therapy (pct)!
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that's what the serm is for! selective estrogen receptor modulator! you do not need to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct). yes your estro will shoot up after coming off cycle, that's where the serm comes in, it keeps it from binding with the receptors. running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct) will completely shut your estro down. not a good thing. we need some estrogen. you ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, just no the whole time, and even if you didn't that does not mean you need to run it during post cycle therapy (pct).

Running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will not completely shut down your estrogen...hell aromasin @25mg/day drops estro by what, ~85%?...I highly doubt anyone will completely shutdown their estrogen with 6.25mg/day of aromasin
Running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will not completely shut down your estrogen...hell aromasin @25mg/day drops estro by what, ~85%?...I highly doubt anyone will completely shutdown their estrogen with 6.25mg/day of aromasin

copied from SWALE's "my PCT protocol" from the classics section -
"I like Arimidex during the cycle (in fact, consider use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while taking aromatisables a necessity) but it ABSOLUTELY should not be used post cycle (even though it has been shown to increase LH production) because the risk of driving estrogen too low, and therefore further damaging an already compromised Lipid Profile, is too great (this also drives libido back into the ground***8212;and we don***8217;t want that, do we?)."

ok maybe i was exaggerating a bit too much with shutting it down completely, but absoloutely no sense in running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during pct. should've been done during cycle or not at all. i'm gonna go with the resident testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor on this one.
copied from SWALE's "my PCT protocol" from the classics section -
"I like Arimidex during the cycle (in fact, consider use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while taking aromatisables a necessity) but it ABSOLUTELY should not be used post cycle (even though it has been shown to increase LH production) because the risk of driving estrogen too low, and therefore further damaging an already compromised Lipid Profile, is too great (this also drives libido back into the ground***8212;and we don***8217;t want that, do we?)."

ok maybe i was exaggerating a bit too much with shutting it down completely, but absoloutely no sense in running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during pct. should've been done during cycle or not at all. i'm gonna go with the resident testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor on this one.

I respect that and agree with Swale. IMO you are taking his words slightly out of context as we are comparing two different situations...

If one uses an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle estro is lowered to a normal range. Then when you start pct your test is lowered as the exogenous test supply is cut off--> this leaves you with less test to aromatize into estrogen. In this case high estrogen is less likely to become a problem as it is kept to your normal range throughout the cycle. BUT when you don't use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle your estrogen is going to be abnormally high without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) compared to when you are not injecting an aromatizable substance. In this situation you are starting pct with little testosterone and a relatively high amount of estrogen--> therefore an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be smart as this ratio is more likely to be found in a female

Also I have dosed aromasin @6.25mg/day with zero effect on libido (yes even when I was not injecting an aromatizable substance)
your theory does sound legit, and i'll admit i haven't done too much research on AIs. I haven't ran one either, but plan to on my next cycle. I've just always heard do not run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct). when you say your estro is higher during post cycle therapy (pct) b/c you did not run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, it really shouldn't matter though. the serm keeps all that estrogen from binding with their receptors. so whether your levels are at 40 or 200, the same amount of estro should be binding, so no need for an ai.
your theory does sound legit, and i'll admit i haven't done too much research on AIs. I haven't ran one either, but plan to on my next cycle. I've just always heard do not run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct). when you say your estro is higher during post cycle therapy (pct) b/c you did not run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, it really shouldn't matter though. the serm keeps all that estrogen from binding with their receptors. so whether your levels are at 40 or 200, the same amount of estro should be binding, so no need for an ai.

Good point...but what happens when you stop the SERM and your estro is still high?...honestly I think Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use is one of the most individual dependent compounds when it comes to use and dosing. Like I said I can run a low dose of aromasin without being on cycle and not completely crash my estro...others can run 600mg/week of test with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI), no bloat, and no gyno...I know my body and that I naturally have high estrogen so in all honesty me being at one extreme end of the spectrum I know I have a biased view of estro and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use--> when in doubt I'll always low dose an AI
so if I understand this correctly, if you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle there is no need to continue running it during pct?
so if I understand this correctly, if you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle there is no need to continue running it during pct?

correct. your estro should be within good ranges and the serm will keep any excess from binding.
Good point...but what happens when you stop the SERM and your estro is still high?...honestly I think Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use is one of the most individual dependent compounds when it comes to use and dosing. Like I said I can run a low dose of aromasin without being on cycle and not completely crash my estro...others can run 600mg/week of test with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI), no bloat, and no gyno...I know my body and that I naturally have high estrogen so in all honesty me being at one extreme end of the spectrum I know I have a biased view of estro and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use--> when in doubt I'll always low dose an AI

so i think it's safe to say we're both right, and that's why blood work is very important. pre cycle, intra cycle, post cycle.
what about during the 2 week break between last pin and the start of pct?

are you asking should you continue to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) inbetween the cycle and pct? or what happens to your estro if you don't? also 2 weeks is not a rule, different compounds require different breaks in between cycle and pct
and yes use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up until post cycle therapy (pct), unless you are going to use it during post cycle therapy (pct), which personally i just wouldn't. after you discontinue the use of test, let's say test e, it is still active in your system so the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is still needed. that's why you are waiting 2 weeks, or 17 days, or whatever the case may be until starting pct. for the gear to clear out of your system.
ya, implying that I was using test E, then waiting 2 weeks after last pin to start my clomid....curious to what I should take during the 2 weeks in between
continue with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until the day before you begin pct. and nolva has been shown to be better than clomid. have you looked into Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well for use during cycle?