Dieselbolan/supporting supps/pct


New member
I'm getting ready to order dieselbolan I will be running 3x Ed for 30 days. Is the forged liver support a good one to go with for cycle support. And also for post cycle therapy (pct) I will be using a serm, either nova or clomid not sure yet. And also should I throw in the forged bromo? Or is it just all hype. Just trying to figure out the best and safest way.

Everyone says Nolva isn't enough. Just go with Clomid 50/50/25/25 and someone else told me to also go with PCF-1. I'm ending my diesel cycle an it was great. First cycle. Did 2X day with liver support and whey protein. You really have to eat several times a day to make it work. Diet diet diet. It's also tough on the liver as most aas pills are, so no alcohol.

Good luck bro
Everyone says Nolva isn't enough. Just go with Clomid 50/50/25/25 and someone else told me to also go with PCF-1. I'm ending my diesel cycle an it was great. First cycle. Did 2X day with liver support and whey protein. You really have to eat several times a day to make it work. Diet diet diet. It's also tough on the liver as most aas pills are, so no alcohol.

Good luck bro

This is the goods right here.

Many prefer Clomid to nolva.

For post cycle therapy (pct) what else do you have besides just the serve, usually a post cycle therapy (pct) product is used as well (often made up of many natural test boosters and AI's). Post Cycle is actually what I have on my shelf.

Also be ready if your getting "liquid" Clomid, its gona taste like raccoon pooey :bigok:

Anything else you want to know? I hope you enjoy getting big :D

Sorry I meant TCF-1 for post cycle therapy (pct). A senior member recommended it to me to get levels back up.
Hey do you not get laid bud!?
Cause you run that cycle without a test booster,You wont be BUSTIN NUTTIN!
Run either HCGEN. all the way through,Or post cycle/unleased in its place.

I second the N2Guard. You cant breat it!
It should be in every cycle run for everybody.
Excellent product.
I'm planing on running Dieselbolan in August so this is going to be a log that I would follow. :)

GRF(1-29) and GHRP-2 have been proven to help recover and they are anti-catabolic so they will help you maintain your gains also :)