Diet advice and feedback for cutting both on and off cycle


New member
AGE 34 Height 6'1
Weight 212 Bodyfat 15.4

BMR 2082 TDEE 3348( I chose this as an avg from the varying formulas I found online)

Gym 5-6 x a week cardio 3-4 runs and 2 bike rides

Down quite a bit of weight for the year and over 4.7% bodyfat, this is similar to the diet I have been using with the same foods not always paired that way or portion size but close to it the last few months.

Just looking for how to possibly clean it up some more or change it around before I do a test ethanate cycle hopefully in September.

I can change whole milk to water if need be, but I will not change from whole milk to any other milk, I just wont do it.

Kirkland eggs boiled 4 361 25 27 2
whole toast 2 140 5 2 14
almond butter 2 204 7 18 5

Protein shake optimum 2 240 48 0 3
whole milk 8 oz 2 300 16 16 24

Kirkland - Chicken Breast, 8 oz 1 240 52 2 0
Brown rice 1 cup 1 216 5 2 44

Kirkland - Chicken Breast, 8 oz 1 240 52 2 0
Iceberg wedge 200g 1 30 2 0 20
1 cup baby carrots 1 35 0 0 8

Ground Sirloin & Loin of Beef Patties 2 660 60 46 0

2676 212 69 120
calories 2676 protein 212 fat 69 carbs 120 3348 - 2676- 672 calorie deficit

I do take AA'S, Multi-vits, and fish oil and ZMA.

Sorry on my screen the macros all line up perfectly in columns and rows but when I post they jumble up.

This is the order I use on my excel sheet and here: calories 2676 protein 212 fat 69 carbs 120
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is the order of the meals correct?? is this in meal time format?

The first 3 yes, breakfast, and my shake is split between pre and post workout and the third meal as lunch or late lunch.

The last 2 depend on if I work at night if I do the I take the chicken/brown rice combo to have it microwaved next door at a late night Taco place and they microwave it for me as I used to frequent it a lot after work at 3am.

If not beef patties are the last meal at home where I can grill them on a pan. Thats the order the time frame is 2-3 hours apart sometimes 4 if I am running late.
so youre not taking in any carbs post workout??

and replace the milk with unsweetend plain almond milk.. or at least go fat free.. you want your post workout nutrients to absorb fast.. anything with fat in it will slow that process down
Wow, I never knew about avoiding the fats post workout, I will change my whole milk to almond milk which I have tried and did like.

But I do make a protein shake and split it in half and drink before and after my workout. The way I had it there was 16g of carbs post workout, most of that came from whole milk.

If I replace it with almond milk how can I get carbs back into that meal?

Also I do eat a reg meal about 1 hour after the gym, but the pwo shake is immediately after.

What about my macros, and total deficit how does that all seem?