Diet and clen


New member
hey bro's... about to start a cycle of clen ill b running it at 2days on 1 day off upping my dosage as i go along ! Currently i am eating complex carbs for breakfeast(oatmeal)30grams,30g brown rice pre workout and 30g brown rice post workout . All of these r accompanied by a protein source of course and the rest of the day i just chow down on leafy greens n protein. I am and have been cutting well eating this way now that i am introducing clen to the mix should i maintain or lower or upp my carbs .
personally i think i should just take it day by day !
run the clen two weeks on two weeks off.. not two days on one day off..

use benedryl half way into the cycle
Yeah i have run it this way b4, i read an article on here im pretty sure some bro was saying 2 days on 1 day off worked very well for him . thought id try something else .
benedrly? were do i find that ? and half way u mean 8th day ? (if i was running 2 on 2 off )