Diet help please


New member
I know this belongs in the Diet Forum but I usually don't get very many responses in that forum.

I need help w/ my diet. I know WHAT to eat, but I think I may not be eating enough. I tracked my diet for the past 2 days, every gram of carb, protein, and fat, and I think I'm not getting anywhere near enough calories to grow but I wanted to make sure. I'm 6'4" 240lbs, about 12-14%bf.

For the past 2 days I've gotten roughly 3100 calories:
about 400c, 255p, and 55f.

I know what to eat for protein: chicken, beef, turkey, tuna, eggs, milk, etc. My question is one, am I eating enough? (prob not) I am eating every 2-3 hours and I feel like I'm eating a lot of food. I know many are gonna say get 2g/protein/lb but that'd be almost 500g of protein and thats about doubling what I do now. Thats pretty extreme at first w/o working up to it. Somebody please help me in the right direction! Thanks

If it matters, currently on Test E 500/wk and EQ 400/wk.
everyones calorie needs/metabolism is different , are you currently gaining /loseing/maintaining weight with your current diet ? and i do think you need to up your protein , if upping your protein does give you stomach problems there are a couple of things you can do to help .slowly increasing protein intake instead of suddenly adding hundreds of grams of protein may solve the problem and if not papaya enzymes can help with digestion , also acidophilus [ good bacteria ] and some feel ginger can help .
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Well, lets say you're awake from 9AM to midnight. If you ate every 2 hours you would be intaking a little more than 400 calories per meal to meet your 3100 total. We all know that 400 calories is tiny. Upping your calories each meal by a little bit is all you need to do. And as for stuffing yourself, theres no need. By adding olive oil to shakes alone you can squeeze another 1000 calories into that diet. You can up your protein by using some powdered protein, mix that with whole milk. Many different ways to manipulate your diet.
unless you can eat mcd's every day and not gain weight i would never tell someone to add large amounts of cals at one time.. i agree with dawg your protein is to low and so are your cals..i thinks its pretty easy to fix your carbs look good but i would bring up your fats and protein..something like a 40/40/20 p/c/f..
if you bring your pro up to 400g and your fats up to 90g and keep carbs where you have them youll be eating about 16x bw not too bad for mass..keep tracking your macros every day and add some protein (50g) in every 5 or so you would bump it up to 300g then 5 or os days later add another 50 and so on..depending on what pro source you use you may not have to add fats to your diet..
Thanx for the help guys. I guess I'll just start by eating an extra can of tuna or an extra chicken breast at first then start upping it from there.

I haven't stepped on a scale in a few weeks but I think I've only been up by about 7-8 lbs since I started this cycle and I'm 8 weeks into it so I'd say I'm maintaining. I just know that I'm not as big as I should be.
Vennom96 said:
Thanx for the help guys. I guess I'll just start by eating an extra can of tuna or an extra chicken breast at first then start upping it from there.

I haven't stepped on a scale in a few weeks but I think I've only been up by about 7-8 lbs since I started this cycle and I'm 8 weeks into it so I'd say I'm maintaining. I just know that I'm not as big as I should be.
unless you were trying to add a lot of weight i wouldnt worry a whole lot . you should have added more weight than that but you probably did add some more lean mass and dropped some bf . give the supplements a try they arent that expensive and its well worth the money if they allow you to maximize the gains from your gear .
DADAWG said:
unless you were trying to add a lot of weight i wouldnt worry a whole lot . you should have added more weight than that but you probably did add some more lean mass and dropped some bf . give the supplements a try they arent that expensive and its well worth the money if they allow you to maximize the gains from your gear .

Good deal. Thanks bro.