683 grams of carbs, and 425 grams dietary fiber
Soluble or Insoluble fiber?
683 grams of carbs, and 425 grams dietary fiber
683 grams of carbs, and 425 grams dietary fiber
I hate the term hardgainer, but being somebody who struggles to gain mass, easily burns fat; kratom is a double-edged sword.
Kratom does not increase my metabolism, in fact, in my experience it slows it down and may create constipation. I really love the stuff, but I use it recreationally... Kratom has really helped me to open up to lots of new people since starting it months ago, I have a significant amount of more friends now at the gym.
I'm cycling off it when I run out of my current batch, i've been on a lot of anabolics, stimulants and some kratom(about 5.5g per day) the past 5 months. My blast has just reached closure, I want to kind of sober up, even though I have not been out of control by any means; being able to be completely sober for weeks/months at a time is very important to me. I dont like the idea of having to continually use crutches to be happy and content. I think its also important to give receptors a break from mind-altering substances.
UGSUPPS are an incredible company. Their reps here have treated me with the best customer service I have ever experienced from an online vendor. If kratom is not banned I will be ugsupps customer till the day I die.
How did it help you make friends and open up? Not really understanding this...
How did it help you make friends and open up? Not really understanding this...
wtf is this kratom, more info
Look here:
Kratom - my views on it...hint, it appears to work.
I am a fan. I also agree with what New alias says about it. I will also add that my wife says it makes me into a happier, more fun person to be around.
wtf is this kratom, more info
I love the maeng da powder, great for energy and focus. Also helps with anxiety. My digestive system hates it though for some reason. Sucks because it really was a cure-all for me.
I love the maengda myself too!!!I love the maeng da powder, great for energy and focus. Also helps with anxiety. My digestive system hates it though for some reason. Sucks because it really was a cure-all for me.
Maybe even just a lot of water.Perhaps drinking it with one of those yogurt drinks(which also would work as a potentiator) as well as using a probiotic supplement and digestive enzyme(which would be beneficial beyond kratom) could help. Maybe a fiber supplement or just eating more fiber rich foods, drinking prune juice throughout the day... Surely there is a way to make kratom easier on the digestive system, the question is, is it more trouble than it's worth? I wouldn't think so as I really enjoy kratom, I guess it's just a matter of how much it actually does for you.
I want to add that the digestive obstruction is not THAT bad, to anyone who has not tried the stuff. It's just a minor thing, which I am confident there is a way to minimize to almost null.
I love the maengda myself too!!!
Maybe even just a lot of water.
Another great thing about kratom is that it really boosts your workout. You'll get an amazing workout on K. Its better then any preworkout I've ever tried!
Weird you said that. I just set to pr's on the squat and bench an hour after using kratom. Its really hard to believe how well it works, but it does!I agree waaaaaaaaaay better then any preworkout.....I set pr's all the time with kratom!!!
Weird you said that. I just set to pr's on the squat and bench an hour after using kratom. Its really hard to believe how well it works, but it does!
You set a PR on both bench and squat in the same session? I think you meant to say test suspension instead of kratom lol
You'll be shocked at how good your workout is if you take kratom 30 min before.