Diets Workin'!


Alleged Fatass!
Well I started Clen about 5 weeks ago 2weeks on 2weeks off and threw in T3 about 2 weeks ago and Im down from 213 to 196 in 5 weeks and am noticibly getting more cut and leaner im currently 6'1 196lb at about 12% bf I think if I drop down to a good 185-190 I should be straight I do cardio 5 days a week 20min after lifting and it looks like someone poured a bucket of water on my ass when I am done I will probably stay on for abou another 3-4 weeks depending on my results. Any ? go ahead and ask.
Wekk shit today is the 24th and when I weighed myself this morning I am down to 191.5, I withering away.
Easto said:
Are you taking anything other than the clen and T3?

Nope just clen and T3 and running a low carb diet and doing 20min cardio 4-5 times a week after lifting. I think at 180 I will be straight at around 10% bf , I will judge again at 185
Have you run this combo before? The reason I ask is that T3 is really catabolic and you want to make sure that it is not eating away at your muscle!
Yeah Ive ran it before in the past , but that is what I am afraid of My arms still measure the same aswell as other parts of my body but it still scares me.
Popichulo, what brand of T3 are you using? I have a few bottles of Cynomel by USV Grossman and have heard mixed reviews on them.
Actually I am using the LiquidResearch T3 and I didnt expect for it to work this wekk but I guess I was wrong and, OH Cynomel is some good shit. And HELLA cheap a bottle of 100 is like 7 dollars in TJ
When I use t3 (Titre in Italy) I run some win (5/10 mg ed) together with it to fight catabolic effects t3 has. Works great!
Popichulo said:
Wekk shit today is the 24th and when I weighed myself this morning I am down to 191.5, I withering away.

>200lbs - You are no longer a man.
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Yeah I know MV in due time I just want to cut down as low as I can so that way when I begin cycling again I can see where my gains are going ex. lean mass or fat , cant really tell when you are already overweight.
Well biggie I have noticed a bit of a decrease in strength, but nothing dramatic I still hit some good weight, but I have noticed some of a decline.