Difference between Tren E and A.....


New member
I assume the only difference is the ester it is mixed with... Is this true? Any pros or cons to one over the other?

Delta Zulu
I assume the only difference is the ester it is mixed with... Is this true? Any pros or cons to one over the other?

Delta Zulu

Yup Esters are the difference. E - long lasting A- Short. So with A you need to do more frequent injections (EOD,ED) and with E you can pin twice a week. Benefits of A are if you are new to Tren and you don't like the sides you can get off and the drug will be out of your system much quicker. Ive also heard some people saying with the more frequent injections their sides tend to be a little milder.
Yup Esters are the difference. E - long lasting A- Short. So with A you need to do more frequent injections (EOD,ED) and with E you can pin twice a week. Benefits of A are if you are new to Tren and you don't like the sides you can get off and the drug will be out of your system much quicker. Ive also heard some people saying with the more frequent injections their sides tend to be a little milder.
Ya bang on!! Ive ran both and the sides were much more prominent with E. Nothing out of control but definitely worse.
I love tren-e but that's all I ever use... and have ran it up in the
800mg rang without having bad sides other than night sweats!!!

But everyone is different...

I think after my next tren cycle, I'll give tren-a a shot (pardon the pun.) :D
If tren is new to you start with ace. If things go badly you can get out without feeling too horrible for too long.

Also if you've done tren ace before and want to go with enanthate keep the dose consistent for the first 4-5 weeks. Many people don't understand how that half life can build up blood concentrations. Even with a heavier molecular weight (compared to acetate you'll lose about 15% potency per mg injected) your blood concentrations will be higher with enanthate.

Example of tren e @ 500mg and it's half life effect if 1/2 life is 7 days
week 1: 500
week 2: 500 + 250
week 3: 500+ 250+125
week 4: 500+ 250+125+62.5...week 5 add 31.25mg which is pretty much unnoticeable now but you get the point.

Of course the first 500 in each week is what you inject that week and everything after the + is carryover from previous injections

So by week 5 you'll have the equivalent of 968mg tren e injected although at a larger loss b/c molecular weight.

After the loss it works out to be approx 697mg of usable tren in your body

Now since tren ace's half life is approx 1 day, you also get build up there too when doing ED injections. So if you are shooting the same 500/wk or 72/day after a few days you're already stable and peaking at approx 110mg/day. Take into the account the loss of the ester and you get about 95mg of active tren at your peak during the day. So you can look at that as approx 670mg/wk of active hormone.

Take into the account that everyone will metabolize esters slightly differently and blood concentrations will vary also from person to person and you basically have a coin toss which may work better for you. Of course the peaks are also much shorter for tren ace so this may also play a role on how your own body responds to the drug.

Side effects can also be affected by hormone fluctuation. Although the total mg fluctuation will be greater with 2/wk shots of tren e the % of hormone fluctuation is actually much larger with tren ace. Once again it will depend greatly on how one's own body responds to each ester.

One last thing you can now see how EOD injections of tren ace leaves you with much less stable blood concentrations and much lower peak concentrations. Injection frequency with enanthate will also have an impact on peak concentrations as well. The fewer the injections the larger the concentration (actually it is astounding the difference) but then we're talking huge swings in concentrations which can lead to bad side effects.