Different cycle patterns for HGH use and advice


New member
Hi guys,
Basically in 2 weeks time I am going to begin my first HGH cycle, I just wanted some advice on how much dosage I should take? I have done extensive research on the matter and have found 3 different methods on cycling hgh with varying doses across them and I wanted advice on which one would be the best for me. I am 85kg and 5,11". I am looking to use hgh to build my body along side hgh as I have also read they work well together.

Method 1: 5 days on, 2 days off. With a doses of around 4-5UI's per day (2 injections wake up and after gym)

Method 2: EOD 8UI's per day (2 injections wake up and after gym)

Method 3: Every day injection 2-3UI's per day (2 injections wake up and after gym)

I would much appreciate any advice on my plans! Thanks
- injecting a higher dose of GH 1-2 times per day results in higher amounts of blood serum levels , but ONLY for a 3 hour window . After that window then your done.

- injecting smaller doses of GH multiple times through out the day results in elevated blood serum levels, that last all day long , just inject it every 2.5-3 hrs.

^ both are viable options. I prefer to lean towards option 2 though.

4 days on 1 day off 4 days on 1 day off , is an ideal cycling of it . running a fast acting GHRP on your days off would be beneficial as well.

to get the most out of an HGH 'cycle' its best used along side AAS and insulin
- injecting a higher dose of GH 1-2 times per day results in higher amounts of blood serum levels , but ONLY for a 3 hour window . After that window then your done.

- injecting smaller doses of GH multiple times through out the day results in elevated blood serum levels, that last all day long , just inject it every 2.5-3 hrs.

^ both are viable options. I prefer to lean towards option 2 though.

4 days on 1 day off 4 days on 1 day off , is an ideal cycling of it . running a fast acting GHRP on your days off would be beneficial as well.

to get the most out of an HGH 'cycle' its best used along side AAS and insulin

So you feel lower dose throughout the day more beneficial than higher dose only once or twice a day?

So 6iu a day split up in 6 1iu doses every 3 hrs instead of 3iuam 3iu pm as an example?
So you feel lower dose throughout the day more beneficial than higher dose only once or twice a day?

So 6iu a day split up in 6 1iu doses every 3 hrs instead of 3iuam 3iu pm as an example?

if you do one injection per day , then your going to have to time that 2.5-3 hour spike in GH serum levels. BUT how do you know exactly when in the day your body will best use and be of need of that elevated level ? you could dose it at 10am, but then at 5pm is when your body may actually be most primed to use it , but its too late.

so the idea with dosing it throughout the day is that you keep your levels elevated just enough so that your body when needing it and putting to use it will be there all day long. Also , you won't have one super high spike with the one injection which may spill over to negative sides, or may just spill over and not put to use at all and be wasted $.

also with multiple GH injections throughout the day the IGF production will be amplified for longer periods of time. Because your body will have naturally occurring indogenous insulin spikes throughout the day , these insulin spikes will amplify IGF1. if you do just one injection once per day , then you miss all the insulin spikes through the rest of the day and won't be able to take advantage of amplified and longer acting IGF.*

*of course you can do this with exogenous insulin as well. depending on the type of insulin you use, you time the slin injection along side your GH injections throughout the day. but again , this can happen with natural insulin spikes from your diet.
sorry about my typo, I meant to say that I was stacking the HGH with test. Also Rouch what would you recommend would be an ideal dosage to begin HGH at? also I haven't researched on how to cycle insulin through HGH do you have any tips?
sorry about my typo, I meant to say that I was stacking the HGH with test. Also Rouch what would you recommend would be an ideal dosage to begin HGH at? also I haven't researched on how to cycle insulin through HGH do you have any tips?

how much test?
sorry about my typo, I meant to say that I was stacking the HGH with test. Also Rouch what would you recommend would be an ideal dosage to begin HGH at? also I haven't researched on how to cycle insulin through HGH do you have any tips?

well there is a big difference between what is 'ideal' in regards to getting the most benefit, and what is 'ideal' in regards to how much $ can you actually afford to run.
12iu a day may be ideal for ultimate size gains, but may not be ideal on your wallet . so you got to balance that out for yourself. If you can't afford 12iu a day , then run 6 iu a day. wither its 12, or 6 though , split it up and dose it multiple times per day . so take the 6 iu as 3 different 2iu injections throughout the day.

as for cycling slin with your HGH , there are a lot of tips . tip number one , learn how to measure out and dose insulin properly so you don't kill yourself. There is a lot to cycling hgh with insulin then what I can just give you here. depends on the type of insulin as well. the basics, use a regular acting insulin about 30mins after your hgh injection with a carb meal, about 1-3iu is all you need. you can do that several times a day , and then have a larger dose around the time of your workout and with your workout carb 're-feed' , eg., 6iu with 60grams of carbs.
never run slin without knowing how to monitor your blood sugar levels with a glucose meter several times a day.
those are just basics. do a ton of research yourself.

hgh and slin are very synergistic and will create a lot more IGF production together, plus being on test is a bonus