Different esters and water retention


New member
Could you rank and explain why how different steroids cause water retention for example tren-acetate vs. tren-enanthate and test-enanthate vs. -propionate vs. -acetate? Is water retention more of a result of the ester that the steroid is suspended in or is it more a result of the compound itself?
Water retention is usually a function of the resulting estradiol via the aromatization process and lack of estradiol management.
Steroids don't have any good or bad effects while they are attached to esters. They only work to cause anabolism and cause side effects when de-estrified. The ester itself has no effect on water retention except to the extent that it has an effect on how much de-estrified steroid will be present in the blood and attached to receptors at any given time.
The ester will make NO difference in water retention whatsoever... only thing different is the frequency of injections to keep blood levels stable
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There should be no water rentention with tren because it doesnt aromatise.

Im curious, because it does seem like all test would bloat you equally but it seems pretty agreed upon across the web that test prop is known to cause less bloat.

Never used prop so I can comment on it.
There should be no water rentention with tren because it doesnt aromatise.

Im curious, because it does seem like all test would bloat you equally but it seems pretty agreed upon across the web that test prop is known to cause less bloat.

Never used prop so I can comment on it.

It's just anecdotal evidence based on how prop is often injected far more frequently, giving less spikes of testosterone. Spikes in testosterone cause release of estradiol as the body tries to reach homeostasis.

This misconception comes mostly from an era when AI's were not commonly used (or even existed), and water control relied on trying to manipulate administration techniques or frequency as well as diuretics.

Luckily for us now, we can choose whichever ester fits our lifestyle best as AI's are easily accessible. The only real big difference between the different esters is elimination and ramp-up times imo.

My .02c :)